exiftoolgui reports exiftool not found, although it finds it

Started by Juana, April 23, 2017, 07:19:10 AM

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Hi, thanx a lot. I deleted the contents of temp folder and after starting twice, it works. there comes an error message, but it works anyway. :-DDDDD You saved me for reinstalling my pc :-D Best regards


I have the same problem. Have been using ExifToolGUI without issues and now I think after a Windows 10 update it stopped working with the same problem.

exiftool.exe is both in C:\Windows and in the same folder. Runs in command prompt from any location. Maybe some permission changed from an update?


I put a copy of renamed exiftool(-k).exe in both the windows system 32 folder and in the folder where the gui exe file was. then I also made sure that a copy of jhead and jpegtran were also in the same gui exe folder then clicked exiftoolgui.exe and program started without error. I found out about jhead etc by clicking ok to the error msg panel then clicking about and it said it could not find those two files. Voila.

Still haven't figured out how to use the program but at least it seems to be running now. LOL



I've had the same problem.

Reason seames to be (as someone mentioned above) an inactive drive-letter (for example because of an empty DVD-drive).

Solution is to edit the "ExifToolGUIv5.ini", where the inactive drive-letter (in my case "L:") has to be replaced by an active drive-letter (for example "D:").

HTH an greetings from Germany
