export common tag from differnt directory/camera-type

Started by angelo-sala, February 16, 2023, 04:19:09 AM

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Hi, I gather information from different camera manufacturer image files in csv (looping different directories) and it's ok, but of course I have different header and data tags (see below). I would like to import into Excel, but different headers don't make it easy to collect them together. In the sample below i didn't copy all the tags but there are so many. I would get all the information possible. Is there a way to normalize it and have a common format?

Many thanks.

Header 1
SourceFile,AF-CPriority,AF-CSetting,AF-CSpeedTrackingSensitivity,AF-CTrackingSensitivity,AF-CZoneAreaSwitching,AF-SPriority,AFAreaMode,AFAreaModeSetting .....
Header 2
SourceFile,AFAreaMode,AFAreaModeSetting,AFPointSelected,AFPointsUsed,AFTracking, .....
Header 3
SourceFile,About,AF-CPriority,AF-CSetting,AF-CSpeedTrackingSensitivity,AF-CTrackingSensitivity ....
Header 4
SourceFile,ExifToolVersion,FileName,Directory,FileSize,FileModifyDate ....

Phil Harvey

Hi Angelo,

The only way to have a common format is to specify all of the tags you want to extract on the command line.

- Phil
...where DIR is the name of a directory/folder containing the images.  On Mac/Linux/PowerShell, use single quotes (') instead of double quotes (") around arguments containing a dollar sign ($).