how do you change the Mac Finder Created date to reflect EXIF Date/Time Original

Started by tomlesser, January 17, 2012, 04:42:50 PM

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I have previously used the suggested command
exiftool "-filemodifydate<datetimeoriginal" FILE

to change both the Modified as well as Created dates in OSX Finder. As you state above, Created should automatically be adjusted if Modified is changed to an earlier date. I am really certain that this is also the way it worked up until today, because I even wrote an instruction (to myself).
However, now processing the command line only changes Modified, not Created, see screenshot.

Screen Shot 2024-04-19 at 22.15.53.png

For me it does not even stop there, because I cannot see where Finder is getting the Created date even. When I run the command exiftool -time:all -a -G0:1 -s <file> it returns:

Screen Shot 2024-04-19 at 22.24.48.png

I am still on High Sierra (10.13.6) and have been for a while, so no inconsistencies in that regard between now and previous (successful) date changes.

Any ideas why this suddenly happens? Finally, any constructive suggestions on how to overcome it, i.e. I would like Created=Modified.

Phil Harvey

...where DIR is the name of a directory/folder containing the images.  On Mac/Linux/PowerShell, use single quotes (') instead of double quotes (") around arguments containing a dollar sign ($).


Thanks for the swift response, Phil!

If I understand you correctly you are pointing me to the fact that there should exist a
[File:MacOS]    FileCreateDate
as well, which then carries this other date value. Sure enough it does.
exiftool -time:all -a -G0:1 -s -api requestall=3

Screen Shot 2024-04-20 at 07.05.11.png

So now I understand where the date comes from, but my queston "Should not that date automatically be changed when running the command, as has been discussed in this thread?" still lingered.
I then realized that I previously (most probably) had done the date changes on files residing on the Mac HDD, whereas I now was doing the changes on a NAS (FreeNAS). The file system of that NAS is, to my knowledge, ZFS and not AFP (or AFPS or whatever it is that is used in High Sierra).
Making a copy of the file from the NAS to the HDD and then running the same command DOES change both dates, so my conclusion is that it works as intended, but not if you have the file on an HDD running ZFS, albeit you are accessing it through a Mac.