QTChange software and EXIF Tool

Started by er1483, May 14, 2022, 07:55:42 PM

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I am a user of the program QTChange by the developer Video Tool Shed. The program is designed to extract Creation Date metadata from video files and print this information as timecode values into each file. Since upgrading to the most recent version, I find the software is not functioning properly - the output files have timecode values which overlap, which is causing havoc for my edit. I notice that when I launch the program I get an "EXIF Tool not found" message (see screen grab), so I'm hoping this might be the cause of the glitch.

I have emailed the developer, but from past experience, I find the developer never responds to my questions. So I'm asking here in case anyone has any thoughts how to make this message go away, and hopefully fix my situation.


The only thing we could advise is make sure exiftool is installed and can be found as part of the PATH env variable.  Also check the settings on that program and see if there's a place where you can explicitly set the path to exiftool.

Exiftool doesn't appear to be mentioned at all on the videotoolshed.com website, where it appears to be sold.
* Did you read FAQ #3 and use the command listed there?
* Please use the Code button for exiftool code/output.
* Please include your OS, Exiftool version, and type of file you're processing (MP4, JPG, etc).


In case anyone else stumbles on this topic with the same problem like I did...

What worked for me was modifying the QTchange preferences file located here:
~/Library/Application Support/QTchange/preferences.json
For the value labeled "exiftool," I changed it to


I recently did a quick test and in QTChange64 version 3.3.9 that alert is "Exiftool not found, but this is normally not a problem".

On the other hand the app seems to need ffmpeg for the timecode.

FWIW it is possible to add timecode losslessly with the command below but QTChange64 seems to have a nice GUI for that and related options.

ffmpeg -i video.mp4 -c copy -timecode 00:00:00:00 video_timecode.mp4
-timecode hh:mm:ssSEPff. Specify Timecode for writing. SEP is ':' for non drop timecode and ';' (or '.') for drop timecode (i.e. use ';' for the final separator if TC is drop frame. Drop frame is only allowed with multiples of 30000/1001 FPS so it does not work with 23.976 24000/1001.


- Matti