On MacOS 10.12 and make exiftool available for the webserver

Started by Francesco Piraneo G., October 30, 2016, 12:05:51 PM

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Francesco Piraneo G.

Hi all!

I'm on a MacOS 10.12 system and I've installed the .dmg install package of exiftool; the program works perfectly with my own profile (thanks Phil for the great app!) _but_ when I try to use it on a php script (run through Apache installed with MacPorts) the command is not available. I think that the installed exiftool is available only to me as user and not systemwide (actually apache is run as _www user).

Any clue is welcome to solve this issue.

I thought to install exiftool with MacPorts but I'm not able to find the package and not sure it can solve the issue. Any idea about?

Thanks! FPG


Some more info: to check with php if exiftool is installed:

$returnVal = shell_exec("which exiftool");

Actually $returnVal is 'null' -> Command not found

Phil Harvey

The installer puts it in /usr/local/bin for everyone to use.  Make sure this is in your path for the PHP script, or run "/usr/local/bin/exiftool" using the full path.

- Phil
...where DIR is the name of a directory/folder containing the images.  On Mac/Linux/PowerShell, use single quotes (') instead of double quotes (") around arguments containing a dollar sign ($).

Francesco Piraneo G.

Hi Phil,
thank you for your quick answer; I actually discovered where the bin is; the idea is to write a general purpose script that runs (almost) everywhere without any modification so I cannot provide a static path because the actual installation location may vary from OS and / or Linux distro - package manager. Here is the reason of my question.

On the piece of code provided I just actually check if exiftool is available to the script.

Thank again. FPG