UTF-8 WebHoster

Started by romsVLM, November 17, 2022, 07:26:22 AM

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i have a python script that use exiftool for add metadatas to my photos.

This is my exiftool command which my script will be run :

exiftool -L -e -n -fast4 -lang fr -overwrite_original -Common_args -sep -execute -XPKeywords="corse;commerces;haute-corse;castagniccia - casinca;folelli" -Keywords="corse;commerces;haute-corse;castagniccia - casinca;folelli" -XPAuthor="Carré Event" -XPTitle="Carré Event" -XPSubject="Événements - Mariage - WeDding Planner" -GPSLatitude=42.445812 -GPSLatitudeRef="N" -GPSLongitude=9.5078 -GPSLongitudeRef="E" ./uploads-webpc/uploads/2021/04/48376781_384427898975385_8166939790051115008_n.jpg.webp ./uploads-webpc/uploads/2021/04/48372669_384429785641863_8754103914388783104_n.png.webp
i am french so i need to have my metadatas in UTF8 for show "éèùà" etc...

If i run my script in my local computer since my CMD terminal, my photos are very well with metadatas in UTF8

Problem :

My script will be on my web hoster server (execute by a CRON).

I try to lunch my cron. My script has been execute, but the metadatas are not in UTF8 :

XPTitle : Carré Event
XpSubject : Événements - Mariage - WeDding Planner

Why exiftool on my web hoster server not write metadatas in UTF8 like on my localhost ?

Thanks for help me


Thank you very much and sorry for "-L" option  ;D

Phil Harvey

The -L option specifies that the input character set it Windows Latin1.  If this works from the command line then it is because your terminal character set is Windows Latin1.  I don't know how you are running the script on the server, but you are using a different character set.  I suggest try removing the -L option -- this should work if your server is using UTF8.

- Phil

(I deleted my previous post soon after I posted it and wrote this one because I thought you were reading, not writing metadata, but you responded too quickly.  However, it turns out the solution was the same -- remove the -L option)
...where DIR is the name of a directory/folder containing the images.  On Mac/Linux/PowerShell, use single quotes (') instead of double quotes (") around arguments containing a dollar sign ($).