Inverse Geotagging on massive number of files?

Started by wrod, August 06, 2022, 02:57:12 PM

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I have LOTS of images in diverse subdirectories.
Is there a way to use

exiftool -r -if "$gpsdatetime" -ee3 -progress -p b:\GPXDATA\gpx.fmt . > b:\GPXDATA\out1.gpx

first (i.e. w/o "-fileOrder $gpsdatetime") so that exiftool does not need to sorting first,

and afterwards sort the file separately, possibly by exporting to some format readable by EXCEL, sorting there, and then re-export to a GPX-file?

Thanks in advance


Exiftool can't re-combine GPX files, so you would have to look elsewhere for a program to do that.

Are you creating a geotrack from individual images or from videos?  If from a bunch of images, I'd say your stuck with using -FileOrder option.  It might be hard to create a CSV out of a lot of images as -csv option needs to buffer all the data, which can lead to memory problems.  See the last paragraph in that link.

If you're extracting tracks from videos, then you can add the -w (-TextOut) option to create a separate track for each video. With the -geotag option, you can specify multiple tracks, including by using a wildcard.  Put them all in the same directory and call it like this
-geotag /path/to/*.gpx
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* Please include your OS, Exiftool version, and type of file you're processing (MP4, JPG, etc).