Problem to translate XMP-mwgDrs:RegionName into XMP-dc-Subject

Started by mahikeulbody, April 28, 2012, 12:38:19 PM

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I fail to copy all XMP-mwgDrs:RegionName values of a file into XMP-dc-Subject fields of this file. Of course I checked RegionName values exist in my file :
exiftool '-XMP-mwgDrs:RegionName>XMP-dc-Subject' test1.jpg returns : Region Name : name 1, name 2

I tried using the following ways :
1) exiftool -@ copy.args file.jpg         # copy.args file contains : -XMP-dc:Subject < XMP-mwg-rs:RegionName
2) exiftool -TagsFromFile srcfile -@ copy.args -destfile
3) exiftool -TagsFromFile srcfile '-XMP-mwgDrs:RegionName>XMP-dc-Subject' destfile
4) exiftool -TagsFromFile srcfile '-RegionName>Subject' destfile

I got every times "No writable tags found".

Using exiftool 8.60 on Linux system.

Thanks for any help.

Update : I installed the last version (8.90) but I get :
8.60 [Warning: Library version is 8.90]
so I tried to uninstall in order to reinstall doing sudo make uninstall but I got "Uninstall is unsafe and deprecated, the uninstallation was not performed" (???)

Phil Harvey

I think the new version will solve your problem.

Type "whereis exiftool", then delete that file since it is the old 8.60 version.  You must have installed this version using a different technique.  You should probably also delete the associated libraries if you can find them, but it looks like the newer libraries are being used anyway.

- Phil
...where DIR is the name of a directory/folder containing the images.  On Mac/Linux/PowerShell, use single quotes (') instead of double quotes (") around arguments containing a dollar sign ($).


Ok, now I am running "pure" 8.90 version and exiftool -'RegionName>Subject' file is doing the job. Thanks you very much !