Can I set "1990" as contentcreatedate?

Started by joshinils, August 05, 2021, 03:11:37 PM

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I have some movies, for which I want to set the date tag.
The date tag is the one vlc shows as "Date", or  Nautilus in the Properties menu under Audio/Video under General as "Year".
When i change this Date via ffmpeg or easytag it changes the field which exiftool shows as "Content Create Date".
Trying to set a String of four numbers gives me a warning, and does nothing however:

➜  folder exiftool -contentcreatedate foo_a_1990.mp4
Content Create Date             : 1990
➜  folder exiftool -contentcreatedate="1990" foo_a_1990.mp4
Warning: Invalid date/time (use YYYY:mm:dd HH:MM:SS[.ss][+/-HH:MM|Z]) in ItemList:ContentCreateDate (PrintConvInv)
Nothing to do.

Can I ignore this warning, and write only the year without a bunch of zeros and colons after it? (I dont know the exact date and time a movie came out, nor do I care).
Putting the option -m anywhere also does nothing.
I do not want to use easytag manually for over 350 movies, nor do I want to use ffmpeg which would need to copy (-codec copy) the whole movie and thus take ages (and unnecessarily use my hard drives).


Apparently # helps?

➜  folder exiftool -contentcreatedate#="1990" foo_a_1990.mp4 

Writes any 4 digit year.


There is one thing to watch for if you use a Mac and Apple Photos.  Apple Photos is very picky about date/time based tags and you may get wildly inaccurate results in that app with an incomplete time stamp.  I don't know if it happens with ContentCreateDate but it does happen with a couple other tags.
* Did you read FAQ #3 and use the command listed there?
* Please use the Code button for exiftool code/output.
* Please include your OS, Exiftool version, and type of file you're processing (MP4, JPG, etc).

Jan Steinman

Another potential "gotcha..." you cannot set the file system date to "1990."

This may not matter to you, but I find it handy to set the file system date to the CreateDate, which exiftool can do for you on Mac or Windows.