Geocode queries in ExiftoolGui fail with an Exception: Access violation

Started by FrankB, December 28, 2023, 02:53:56 AM

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This morning, to my surprise, Geocode queries will fail in ExifToolGui.Turns out that now they require an API key. Will look into it, and if possible update ExifToolGui.



A few years ago Virtual Litchi Mission solution for Google Elevation API was:

You can input your private key in the Google Tab of VLM Setup. If you do not enter a private key, then VLM will use a key which is shared between all users. It is quite likely that this shared key will exceed it's daily limit from time to time - if that happens then you can either wait util the next day when the quota is reset or you can use your own private key which can be obtained from Google at Google Cloud Platform. Google will require you to open an account and provide your credit card details but unless your usage of VLM is totally insane (more than 40,000 hits per month!) then there should be no charge.

1) All API usage now requires an associated billing account complete with credit card details.
2) Each account is provided with $200 free usage per month.
3) The cost for using the Elevation API is $5 per 1000 hits - meaning that the first 40,000 hits per month are free.

- Matti


Just released a hotfix for this.

To get it working you will need to register yourself and add your api-key to the preferences.
