ExifTool Forum

General => Metadata => Topic started by: sweebee on January 01, 2021, 01:39:20 PM

Title: Export Gyro data from Insta360 file
Post by: sweebee on January 01, 2021, 01:39:20 PM
I want to export all the gyro data from a insta360 video file. like:

I tried the following:

exiftool -ee video.mp4

I get some gyro data:

Time Code                       : 15.070
Accelerometer                   : 0.031494140625 -0.8662109375 -0.500244140625
Angular Velocity                : 0.721184015274048 -0.442084729671478 -0.502804815769196
Time Code                       : 15.072
Accelerometer                   : 0.03515625 -0.86083984375 -0.516357421875
Angular Velocity                : 0.713727176189423 -0.399474173784256 -0.470846891403198

The problem is that I only get 20000 rows of gyro data. I also see the following:

Warning                         : [Minor] Insta360 accelerometer data is huge. Processing only the first 20000 records

Is there a way to get all the data?
Title: Re: Export Gyro data from Insta360 file
Post by: Phil Harvey on January 01, 2021, 05:14:32 PM
Minor warnings are ignored with the -m option.

- Phil
Title: Re: Export Gyro data from Insta360 file
Post by: Vn2k on February 04, 2021, 11:17:59 PM
Phil, I had the same question and when I use -m eventually I run "out of memory" when trying to write it to a file.

Is there a way to avoid it? Maybe a command that splits the data to many output files?
Title: Re: Export Gyro data from Insta360 file
Post by: Phil Harvey on February 05, 2021, 08:15:10 AM
Unfortunately the way ExifTool works it loads all metadata into memory before outputting.  This would work under any operating system other than Windows if you can do that.  Windows unfortunately has a memory limitation for command-line applications that I don't know how to bypass.

- Phil
Title: Re: Export Gyro data from Insta360 file
Post by: Vn2k on February 05, 2021, 01:47:51 PM
Thanks for the quick reply.
How about if I ask for one parameter each time and then end up with multiple outputs I can stitch together? Would that help? Is that possible with exiftool?
And just to be clear, if I run an OS other than windows on a VM this should run with no issues?
Title: Re: Export Gyro data from Insta360 file
Post by: StarGeek on February 05, 2021, 03:23:02 PM
Phil, would the Perl version have this same problem on Windows?
Title: Re: Export Gyro data from Insta360 file
Post by: Phil Harvey on February 05, 2021, 03:41:33 PM
I'm not a Windows expert.

There is a small chance that the 64-bit alternate Windows version (https://oliverbetz.de/pages/Artikel/ExifTool-for-Windows) would have a larger memory allocation, but I wouldn't count on it.

The pure Perl version running on Windows may not have the problem, but this depends entirely on how you run Perl.  I'm guessing that running Perl under Cygwin in Windows wouldn't have the problem, but just running at the DOS command line probably would.

- Phil
Title: Re: Export Gyro data from Insta360 file
Post by: Vn2k on February 06, 2021, 02:50:38 AM
Running the command in Perl worked fine for me under Win64.
Thanks a lot.
Title: Re: Export Gyro data from Insta360 file
Post by: Phil Harvey on February 06, 2021, 08:09:19 AM
Can you provide some details?  What perl version, and what console did you use?  How did you launch Perl?

- Phil
Title: Re: Export Gyro data from Insta360 file
Post by: StarGeek on February 06, 2021, 10:53:39 AM
Heh, I was about to ask for a sample as I went through the process of installing the Windows Subsystem for Linux in order to check if that worked.