ExifTool Forum

ExifTool => The "exiftool" Application => Topic started by: imilazo on March 26, 2010, 12:25:50 PM

Title: Restoring Exif Byte Order
Post by: imilazo on March 26, 2010, 12:25:50 PM
Hi, my name is Ivan and sorry for my bad english.

I have thousands of photos from my Panasonic FZ-28 camera on my computer.

I'm using Windows Vista 7 to change some informations like "UserComment", "Title", "Tags", "Authors" and "Subject". Now I can't use my 3rd party software "PHOTOfunSTUDIO" to agroup the photos by "Shooting" and "Scene" modes. My software don't recognize the "MakerNotes" anymore. Looking the photos with ExifTool I saw that the "exifbyteorder" have changed from Little Endian to Big Endian.
The question: Is there any way to restore this "configuration" flag on my files?
This "flag", "double" the size of the information on the photos and screw up.

Thank you,
Ivan Milazzotti
Title: Re: Restoring Exif Byte Order
Post by: Phil Harvey on March 26, 2010, 12:48:19 PM
Hi Ivan,

You could try rebuilding the EXIF from scratch (see FAQ number 20 (https://exiftool.org/faq.html#Q20) for details).  This should restore a consistent byte ordering (although without an image to test I can't say with 100% certainty).  You may or may not want to include the -F option to fix the makernote offsets when you do this -- you'll have to do some tests to see.

- Phil