Edit: I was using ver 12.93. It is solved in ver 12.96. Sorry.
I have a Pixel phone. The command
> exiftool -all -G1 -json pixelxxx.mp4
"QuickTime:HandlerType": "Metadata Tags",
"Keys:AndroidManufacturer": "Google",
"Keys:AndroidModel": "Pixel 5",
"Keys:AndroidCaptureFPS": 30,
but Keys:AndroidManufacturer and Keys:AndroidModel are not present into the listx output (at least with these names).
(I am using listx to build a "database" that I can request for personal purpose)
Exiftool will extract tags with unknown names in Keys, similar to the way it does in XMP. That's because the tag name is part of the data. These will not show up in -list* option (https://exiftool.org/exiftool_pod.html#list--listw--listf--listr--listwf--listg-NUM--listd--listx) because exiftool doens't have a definition for them