exiftool -a -api geolocation=51.479345,-0.290328,num=2
Returns a warning ("Search matched 2 cities", which should probably only be emitted when data is written to a file?) and returns two sets of data for two matching cities. The same result is emitted with XML output when using -X.
But for -JSON, only one set of data is emitted (same warning). This seems inconsistent.
I understand from the docs that when writing location data, only one city can win (city with the largest population).
But when just dumping the information to the console or a stream, maybe ExifTool could output all matches found when -JSON is used, too? It already emits an array, which makes this very easy to parse.
I believe this is cause. From the docs on the
-j (
-json) option (https://exiftool.org/exiftool_pod.html#j-JSONFILE--json)
QuoteThe -a option is implied when -json is used, but entries with identical JSON names are suppressed in the output. (-G4 may be used to ensure that all tags have unique JSON names.)
I see, thanks.
With -G4, the JSON array (!) returned has still one object, but this object now uses unique element names like
Would it somehow be possible to output one object per city object in the array?
This would avoid all the duplicate name issues and would make parsing easier.
I would suggest using -g3:
> exiftool -a -api geolocation=51.479345,-0.290328,num=2 -j -g3
"SourceFile": " ",
"Main": {
"GeolocationWarning": "Search matched 2 cities",
"GeolocationCity": "Kew",
"GeolocationRegion": "England",
"GeolocationSubregion": "Greater London",
"GeolocationCountryCode": "GB",
"GeolocationCountry": "United Kingdom",
"GeolocationTimeZone": "Europe/London",
"GeolocationFeatureCode": "PPL",
"GeolocationFeatureType": "Populated Place",
"GeolocationPopulation": 11000,
"GeolocationPosition": "51.4816, -0.2874",
"GeolocationDistance": "0.33 km",
"GeolocationBearing": 54
"Doc1": {
"GeolocationCity": "Brentford",
"GeolocationRegion": "England",
"GeolocationSubregion": "Greater London",
"GeolocationCountryCode": "GB",
"GeolocationCountry": "United Kingdom",
"GeolocationTimeZone": "Europe/London",
"GeolocationFeatureCode": "PPL",
"GeolocationFeatureType": "Populated Place",
"GeolocationPopulation": 11000,
"GeolocationPosition": "51.4862, -0.3083",
"GeolocationDistance": "1.45 km",
"GeolocationBearing": 291
- Phil
Ah, that's better :) Where there is an ExifTool, there is a way.