Due to a new computer, I'm having to install exiftool again. After extracting the zip, I copied
exiftool(-k).exe to my desktop. When I drop a file on it, the command window flashes and disappears.
I thought maybe because I didn't have Perl. I installed Strawberry Perl. No change.
If I double click the tool in the expanded folder the command window only shows info because it wasn't run with a file, but I don't know how to do that.
I copied the exiftool(-k).exe to the path than opens with a command prompt (on my C drive), and tried running from there but I get the same command prompt window flash.
I opened a command prompt and tried typing exiftool, exiftool.pl, exiftool.exe and none are recognized.
I'm also running Bitedefender but I can't see anywhere in that application that stops command lines from running.
I've read all the help but didn't find a solution.
I'm sure it is my configuration error but I can't find the solution.
I would really like to just drop files on the exiftool on my desktop again.
You also need to copy the "exiftool_files" folder to your desktop, or wherever you put the .exe
- Phil
Thanks for your reply.
I do have the folder on my desktop. The folder name is exiftool-13.25_64. I also changed the name to just exiftool. When I drop a file onto exiftool(-k).exe I still just get the command prompt window flashing on for just an instant.
I tried running the Windows compatibility troubleshooter but the exiftool doesn't show up in the list of programs. The file ends in exe but the description says it is exif tool perl launcher.
Inside the "exiftool-13.25_64" folder on your desktop there should be "exiftool(-k).exe" and and "exiftool_files" folder. If you click on "exiftool(-k).exe" there you should see the help documentation. Or drop a file onto it to see the metadata.
Are you sure you have your files arranged this way?
- Phil
I sincerely appreciate your help!
I dragged my old version to my desktop, verion 12.67, the image has a camel, it runs!
This is the problem description in case you feel it is important to resolve the issue.
The version that doesn't run, version 13.25_64 has an image that looks like a gear with two horizontal lines and some kind of tool overlaid on the right side.
On my desktop I have the exiftool(-k).exe. If I drop a file on it the command window opens and instantly disappears.
I also have a folder on my desktop named exiftool-13.25_64. Inside of that folder are two files, exiftool(-k).exe and README.txt, and a folder named exiftool_files. The folder contains 12 files (including exiftoo.pl and perl.exe) and a folder named lib. The lib folder has 13 folders and 61 files.
If I try to drop a file onto the desktop folder it just wants to copy the file to that folder.
My desktop folder is on the C drive in the OneDrive folder.
I meant to drop the file onto "exiftool(-k).exe" inside the exiftool-13.25_64 folder.
Or if you want to run it from your desktop, then also move the "exiftool_files" folder there.
The .exe requires that the "exiftool_files" folder is in the same directory.
- Phil