On a canon EOS-M, when you get a cr2 file (raw file) with a M42 lens (or obviously without lens at all) , the aperture value is incorrectly reported by exiftool :
Aperture : 1.#INF
Verbose mode :
| | 11) ApertureValue = 2147483648 (2147483648/1)
| | - Tag 0x9202 (8 bytes, rational64u[1]):
| | 03cc: 00 00 00 80 01 00 00 00 [........]
I guess conversion is a little lost.
If it can help, I can provide a such CR2 file
PS : tested with last exiftool version 9.35
Hi Brouno,
Yes, I have samples like this too. But I disagree when you say ExifTool reports the value incorrectly:
Aperture Value : inf
Is correct. The APEX value is too large to be represented as an F-number, so ExifTool reports "inf".
The Ap
- Phil
Hi Phil,
Thx for your response.
OK, but when i try to copy exif from raw to jpg (with option -tagsfromfile ), I get this error :
1 image files updated
Warning: Argument "1.$" isn't numeric in numeric gt (>) in ExifIFD:ApertureValue
(ValueConvInv) - ..\_MG_0234.cr2
1 image files updated
I do that by script with a command line like that :
@call exiftool.pl -all= -tagsfromfile "..\file.cr2" -@ args.txt -overwrite_original_in_place file.jpg
the args.txt file contain (with other values)
and the dest file "file.jpg" is not updated
I found what when I do the same with -all in place of -ApertureValue like that :
@call exiftool.pl -all= -tagsfromfile "..\file.cr2" -all -overwrite_original_in_place file.jpg
No error, the dest file is updated, and the aperture value is 1.0
This last case is OK for me ;-)
Best regards,
Hi Bruno,
What version of ExifTool are you using?
I get this:
> exiftool -ver
> exiftool a.cr2 -aperturevalue
Aperture Value : inf
> exiftool a.jpg -all= -tagsfromfile a.cr2 -aperturevalue
1 image files updated
> exiftool a.jpg -aperturevalue
Aperture Value : inf
- Phil
9.35 under perl (don't know if there is a diff)
The Perl version shouldn't make a difference. Can you try my commands to see what you get?
- Phil
Yep, I already was doing this.
I test with the exe version also
both .pl & .exe version are in PATH environment variable
Start of the explanation ;-) :
D:\test>exiftool.exe -ver
D:\test>exiftool.pl -ver
D:\test>exiftool.exe a.cr2 -ApertureValue
Aperture Value : 1.$
D:\test>exiftool.exe a.jpg -all= -tagsfromfile a.cr2 -aperturevalue
1 image files updated
D:\test>exiftool.exe a.jpg -ApertureValue
Aperture Value : 1.0
D:\test>exiftool.pl a.cr2 -ApertureValue
Aperture Value : 1.$
D:\test>exiftool.pl a.jpg -all= -tagsfromfile a.cr2 -aperturevalue
Warning: Argument "1.$" isn't numeric in numeric gt (>) in ExifIFD:ApertureValue (ValueConvInv) - a.cr2
Warning: No writable tags set from a.cr2
1 image files updated
D:\test>exiftool.pl a.jpg -ApertureValue
D:\test>perl -ver
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Copyright 1987-2012, Larry Wall
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Built Aug 30 2012 18:41:50
Odd. OK, I guess the Perl version does make a difference. I will have to wait until I can try this in Windows. The hex dump of the ApertureValue in my test file is identical to yours.
- Phil
OK. Thanks a lot for your great tool which I'm using long time ago.
I have the workaround now ;-)