ExifTool Forum

ExifTool => The "exiftool" Application => Topic started by: biyamol on April 23, 2014, 08:30:23 AM

Title: Remove spreads tags from metadata
Post by: biyamol on April 23, 2014, 08:30:23 AM
Hi , If u help me to solve the issue then it will be very helpfull .....

Issue:  We are dealing with indd files and its metadata size. To reduce the size of the files we need to remove some tags from metadata.We noticed that while removing the 'spreads' tags from metadata it is not getting removed.

we used cmd as
D:\exiftool> exiftool.exe -spreads="D:\temp\xxxx.indd"

warning shows as:"Tag spreads doesn't exist"

The structure of metadata
Title: Re: Remove spreads tags from metadata
Post by: Phil Harvey on April 23, 2014, 08:35:28 AM
I don't know what "Spreads" is.  It seems from your hierarchy that it may be an XMP tag, but I have never seen this tag.  If it is XMP, then it may be removed by creating a definition for it in the config file (see the sample config file (https://exiftool.org/config.html) for examples).  ExifTool only writes XMP in INDD files, so if it is any other type of information then ExifTool can't write it.

- Phil
Title: Re: Remove spreads tags from metadata
Post by: biyamol on April 23, 2014, 09:12:06 AM

bt we can't remove XMP TAG because WE NEED some data for further operations. it will be helpfull if you suggest some method to remove base64-data....
Title: Re: Remove spreads tags from metadata
Post by: Phil Harvey on April 23, 2014, 09:19:26 AM
I meant the specific XMP tag that you want removed.  Not the entire XMP block.

- Phil
Title: Re: Remove spreads tags from metadata
Post by: biyamol on April 24, 2014, 12:13:49 AM

Which command should I use to remove specific tag???

D:\exiftool> exiftool.exe -spreads="D:\temp\xxxx.indd"

It gives error...
Title: Re: Remove spreads tags from metadata
Post by: Phil Harvey on April 24, 2014, 07:22:57 AM
The command is:

exiftool.exe -spreads= "D:\temp\xxxx.indd"

You need a space after -spreads=.

But this will give the warning you mentioned in your first post unless you define the Spreads tag as I mentioned.

- Phil