In VB6, ExifTools been tough to get going, but I have it working as long as I do not do a full compile. There are few things that it uses that do not seem to be "native" VB6: AppPath(), FileExist(), StillRunning() that are in the modEXIFTool.bas file that I used in a Standard .Exe project with the exifTools.exe in the same folder. I would love to have some instructions as to how to create a dll and use the methods and properties that seem to be there, but am not having much luck. Any help out there? Any more information needed from me? I tried the suggestions and clicked on "Download Visual Basic 6.0 example script v1.01 for reading tags with exiftools (thanks Michael Wandel)" which gave me a file called modExifTools_101, but its .bas would not fully compile, and the above-mentioned functions were undefined.
I can get it to run, but it seems that I am missing something without being able to reference the objects that seem to be available. Am I using the wrong type of Executable? I am running this on Windows 7
I don't know if these functions are navite or not but...
AppPath() is the path of "exiftool.exe". Implement the function or replace it by the path where is exiftool ; or... add exiftool's path in the PATH variable.
StillRunning() is only in "Put_EXIFTag()" function and this function (Put_EXIFTag) is never called.
VB6 is still used ? :P
Yes it is, Sir. Keeping food on my table. And I knew to change AppPath() to App.Path, and to use the File System Object's FileExists method to see if it was there. I understand that StillRunning() is only in the Put Function, which I do not plan on using. However, it just seems that a full compile should be possible.
There is another .bas module touted on this site that Dims objects which means a DLL would need to be referenced by the project, but I have not been able to do this. Would help me a lot.
In attachment: a functional project with modExifTools_101. It compiles. I used a Standard .EXE project.
I deleted some things in the module, therefore "exiftool.exe" must be in the same directory (or in PATH).
It's just a very simple example: load picture first and get tag you want.
I don't know if this can help you. :-[