I want to extract ID3-Tag TSOA + TSOP from mp3 files for sorting reasons. exiftool don't let me use the "-tag"-method to get this info. But in documentation these tags are included and with "-v" exiftool print both information:
+ [ID3v2_3 directory, 21068 bytes]
| Album = Bigger, Better, Faster, More!
| Artist = 4 Non Blondes
| Comment = Track 7
| EncodedBy = Exact Audio Copy (Sicherer Modus)
| Genre = Rock
| Title = Old Mr. Heffer
| Track = 07/11
| Year = 1992
| PictureMimeType = image/jpeg
| PictureType = 3
| PictureDescription =
| Picture = .....JFIF......C.............................................!........."$[snip]
| ID3_TSOA = 4 Non Blondes 1992
| ID3_TSOP = 4 Non Blondes
I tried :
exiftool -AlbumSortOrder file.mp3
exiftool -ID3:AlbumSortOrder file.mp3
exiftool -ID3_TSOA file.mp3
and many other.
Only "-v" Option shows, that these tags are valid and filled reasonable.
thanks for help ;-)
ExifTool doesn't extract this because the tag doesn't exist in the ID3v2.3.0 specification. It was added in ID3v2.4.0. But your file is ID3v2.3.0.
It looks like maybe I'll have to add yet another patch for other software that writes metadata incorrectly. :(
- Phil
seems that mp3tag do the mistake ;-(
thanks for fast answer!
the good news:
it's possible to advice mp3tag to write ID3v2.4 as ov mp3tag V2.66 (win7)
and sorting p. e. in iTunes is not affected by this version change
the bad news:
now i have to change these tags in more than thousand albums ...
but: exiftool question solved - thanks!
I'll also patch ExifTool to be able to read ID3 tags in the wrong version like this (but issue a warning).
- Phil