I'm running OS X 10.10.5 and exiftool 10. I can't get exiftool to add Canon makernotes to a set of jpegs that currently have no makernotes at all.
The command:
exiftool -v \
-EXIF:DateTimeOriginal="2015:8:15 09:13:39" \
-EXIF:CreateDate="2015:8:18 14:38:57" \
-EXIF:Software='NORITSU KOKI QSS-29_31 Software QSS-29_31 001' \
-EXIF:ExposureCompensation=0.0 \
-EXIF:Flash="No Flash" \
-EXIF:FocalLength=40mm \
-EXIF:ImageNumber=1 \
-EXIF:ImageUniqueID=14000301 \
-EXIF:ISO=400 \
-EXIF:SensitivityType='ISO Speed' \
-EXIF:MaxApertureValue=4.0 \
-EXIF:MeteringMode="Multi-segment" \
-EXIF:ExposureProgram="Shutter speed priority AE" \
-EXIF:Make=Canon \
-EXIF:Model="Canon EOS 1v" \
-EXIF:SerialNumber="271035 grip 427728" \
-EXIF:LensMake=Canon \
-EXIF:LensInfo="24-105mm f/0" \
-EXIF:LensModel="EF24-105mm f/4L IS USM" \
-EXIF:LensSerialNumber=00001cef09 \
-EXIF:TimeZoneOffset=-4 \
-EXIF:Artist="Kevin P. Neal" \
-EXIF:Copyright="Kevin P. Neal - All Rights Reserved" \
-Canon:FocusMode="AI Servo AF" \
-Canon:TargetAperture=10 \
-Canon:ContinuousDrive="Continuous, High" \
-Canon:FocalLength=40mm \
-Canon:FocalUnits=1/mm \
-Canon:MeteringMode="Evaluative" \
-Canon:CanonExposureMode="Shutter speed priority AE" \
-Canon:TargetExposureTime="1/200" \
-Canon:AspectRatio=3:2 \
-Canon:CanonImageType="Canon EOS 1v" \
-Canon:CameraType="EOS High-end" \
-Canon:LensModel="EF24-105mm f/4L IS USM" \
-Canon:LensSerialNumber=00001cef09 \
-Canon:LensType="Canon EF 24-105mm f/4L IS" \
-Canon:MaxAperture=4 \
-Canon:MaxFocalLength="105 mm" \
-Canon:MinAperture=23 \
-Canon:MinFocalLength="24 mm" \
-Canon:TimeZone=-04:00 \
-Canon:TimeZoneCity="New York" \
-Canon:DaylightSavings=On \
-Canon:OwnerName="Kevin P. Neal" \
-XMP:Rating=0 \
The printed output of exiftool when run:
======== 00920001.JPG
Rewriting 00920001.JPG...
Editing tags in: APP0 APP1 CIFF ExifIFD IFD0 JFIF MakerNotes XMP
JPEG APP1 (9585 bytes):
Rewriting IFD0
ExifByteOrder = II
Rewriting ExifIFD
Rewriting InteropIFD
Rewriting IFD1
Creating APP1:
Creating XMP
JPEG DQT (130 bytes):
JPEG DHT (416 bytes):
1 image files updated
And yet the makernotes are not in the file:
-File:FileSize=3.6 MB
-File:FileModifyDate=2015:08:28 13:07:01-04:00
-File:FileAccessDate=2015:08:28 13:07:06-04:00
-File:FileInodeChangeDate=2015:08:28 13:07:01-04:00
-File:ExifByteOrder=Little-endian (Intel, II)
-File:EncodingProcess=Baseline DCT, Huffman coding
-File:YCbCrSubSampling=YCbCr4:2:0 (2 2)
-EXIF:Model=Canon EOS 1v
-EXIF:Orientation=Horizontal (normal)
-EXIF:Software=NORITSU KOKI QSS-29_31 Software QSS-29_31 001
-EXIF:Artist=Kevin P. Neal
-EXIF:Copyright=Kevin P. Neal - All Rights Reserved
-EXIF:ExposureProgram=Shutter speed priority AE
-EXIF:SensitivityType=ISO Speed
-EXIF:DateTimeOriginal=2015:08:15 09:13:39
-EXIF:CreateDate=2015:08:18 14:38:57
-EXIF:ComponentsConfiguration=Y, Cb, Cr, -
-EXIF:Flash=No Flash
-EXIF:FocalLength=40.0 mm
-EXIF:InteropIndex=R98 - DCF basic file (sRGB)
-EXIF:SerialNumber=271035 grip 427728
-EXIF:LensInfo=24-105mm f/0
-EXIF:LensModel=EF24-105mm f/4L IS USM
-EXIF:Compression=JPEG (old-style)
-EXIF:Orientation=Horizontal (normal)
-XMP:XMPToolkit=Image::ExifTool 10.00
Anyone else seen this? 9.98 had the same behavior.
I could be wrong, but I seem to recall that ExifTool can't create or remove individual MakerNotes. It can edit them if they exist or set them to blank. It can also copy them as a block.
Ah, found source
Quote from: Phil Harvey on August 20, 2012, 07:50:02 AM
Also, the maker notes tags can't be created individually so they must be copied as a block as I have done.
You might try copying a MakerNotes block from another image from the same camera, and then editing the individual tags and blank out the ones you didn't edit.
StarGeek is correct. Also see FAQ 8 (https://exiftool.org/faq.html#Q8) for another tip.
- Phil
OK, thanks for setting me straight. Bummer about the difficulty in dealing with these non-standard makernotes.