Using a Mac with current updates to photoshop/camera raw(plug-ins)
Shot some photos in raw(NEF) format on a Nikon D810. Downloaded the photos to my Mac using the Nx 2 software. Everything was fine, pics show up and are viewable with exif data. My usual routine is to drag and drop to my desktop and click on the photo which typically opens it up in camera raw. This isn't executing with these files and I'm getting a message stating that this format isn't supported. I also noticed that the pic shows as just a white blank paper icon on my desktop as opposed to a mini picture from my other personal camera files like from my D3, D300. Is there any hope for me and am I in the right place. Any help would be greatly appreciated, I'm really feeling beat up
At this point.
Send me a sample and I'll take a look. My email is philharvey66 at
- Phil
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Thank you
I got the file, thanks. This file was corrupted by Nikon software. My fix_corrupted_nef ( utility may be used to fix these problems.
- Phil
Will give this a shot when I get home