I cannot code and am surprised I got this far. I need to find the create date of a video that was sent via a FB message and then downloaded onto a Mac. I do not have the original video. Upon using the software I am not able to get a create date, just 0000:00:00 00:00:00. Is this because this data does not exist because this is a copy or because the formatting is off?
Thank you in advance.
I would say none of those choices although I don't understand what "formatting is off" means. If you have all those zeros in the date that I'd surmise that the date field exists and has zeros in it rather than being non-existent. A copy would be exactly the same as the original otherwise it wouldn't be a copy.
If you post the video or post the results from
exiftool -G -a video_file_name_goes_here
we can have a look.