Feature Request - GPS/IMU data format - POS

Started by Rob_Aus, June 28, 2019, 01:39:23 AM

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I have some IMU data exported as POS file format. Is it possible to have exiftool able to support this file format for geotagging images with.

This is what the POS file data looks like

TimeOfDay(UTC) PosLat(deg) PosLon(deg) PosHeight(m) AngleRoll(deg) AnglePitch(deg) Heading(deg)
84779.707 -32.93189697 151.78062610 342.575 -4.733 4.891 114.132
84981.145 -32.87248970 151.80196019 311.880 -10.434 9.432 9.643
84983.280 -32.87207301 151.80208246 311.188 -7.196 8.488 4.931
84985.238 -32.87170332 151.80216794 310.358 -6.600 9.271 5.691
84987.247 -32.87133473 151.80223663 309.934 -6.434 7.204 3.652
84989.254 -32.87097225 151.80229044 309.836 -6.814 6.670 4.473
84991.270 -32.87061294 151.80233043 310.111 -5.174 8.550 4.150
84993.280 -32.87026696 151.80236468 310.604 -4.869 7.981 3.951
84995.291 -32.86993170 151.80239908 310.693 -4.265 7.061 3.108
84997.250 -32.86960819 151.80243768 310.416 -3.427 7.041 5.809
84999.260 -32.86927937 151.80248886 310.007 -2.917 6.372 6.133
85001.271 -32.86895035 151.80255416 309.300 -3.565 5.745 9.875

The POS file is exported with RTK corrected coordinates, and we wish to be able to override
existing SPS coordinates in an image with more accurate ones.

Alternatively we are able to export as CSV, which looks like this

Date (UTC),Time (UTC),PosLat (deg),PosLon (deg),PosAlt (m),

Is there anyway to use the above file formates for geotagging?


Phil Harvey

Hi Rob,

Could you attach a full POS file to your post?  I want to see the exact formatting and file name.  It should be easy to add support for this format.

No.  Wait.  There is no date in the POS file (only a time of day).  But there is a date in the CSV.  But the CSV is missing the orientation angles.  Is there a format where all information is output?

- Phil
...where DIR is the name of a directory/folder containing the images.  On Mac/Linux/PowerShell, use single quotes (') instead of double quotes (") around arguments containing a dollar sign ($).


Hi Phil, thanks for the reply

Sure, we can choose the outputs for the CSV

Attached is one with the date/time/position/angles


Phil Harvey

OK, thanks.  I'll add support for this in the next release.

- Phil
...where DIR is the name of a directory/folder containing the images.  On Mac/Linux/PowerShell, use single quotes (') instead of double quotes (") around arguments containing a dollar sign ($).

Phil Harvey

ExifTool 11.54 is now available, and you should be able to geotag from the CSV file you sent with this version.

ExifTool should be flexible about the information included in the CSV file, and you will be able to geotag from any CSV as long as it can recognize date/time and lat/lon headings somewhere in the first line of the file, and provided the date formatting is "DD/MM/YYYY".

- Phil
...where DIR is the name of a directory/folder containing the images.  On Mac/Linux/PowerShell, use single quotes (') instead of double quotes (") around arguments containing a dollar sign ($).