Accented letters in filename cause file skipping

Started by brunos, April 06, 2020, 09:43:36 AM

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Hi all!

I've read carefully FAQ 10 and FAQ 18, but apparently I'm still doing something wrong. Here's the situation, with EXIFtool 11.93 on Windows 10 1909 in italian language.
I have number of filenames (photos, screenshots) and folders containing accented letters àèìòù. Only now I've found out that such filenames and entire folders (such as "E:\AA\EV\20190116,AM1,San Donà di Piave,CRC010,(CPCA),0000000001") are not processed correctly.

Here's the transcript of what I see in the Command Prompt window. I first execute chcp to see the active code page - which is 850.
Then I execute the command line to read filepath and subject and it shows two lines: the first one is - tab - and it refers (as you can see below) to the file attività.jpg, and the second line, from the same folder is NESSUN DATO... etc.
Then I switch to the subfolder to list the files.
After that I apply the -L option to the command, but the result is the same.
The same with the -charset filename=Latin
The same with the -charset filename=UTF8

Tabella codici attiva: 850

C:\Users\Bruno\Desktop\tmpfolder>exiftool -filepath -subject -T -ext jpg -r .
-       -
C:/Users/Bruno/Desktop/tmpfolder/20040509,FV2,Roma,FNDV02 ASC001,(AVGA),0000000001/NESSUN DATO DISPONIBILE.JPG  -

C:\Users\Bruno\Desktop\tmpfolder>dir "20040509,FV2,Roma,FNDV02 ASC001,(AVGA),0000000001"
Il volume nell'unità C non ha etichetta.
Numero di serie del volume: 9CD2-4D0B

Directory di C:\Users\Bruno\Desktop\tmpfolder\20040509,FV2,Roma,FNDV02 ASC001,(AVGA),0000000001

06/04/2020  14:57    <DIR>          .
06/04/2020  14:57    <DIR>          ..
05/04/2020  16:37            81.103 attività.JPG
14/08/2019  11:03               142 datalink.url
07/01/2020  11:31               472 desc.txt
07/01/2020  11:31               176 foldername.txt
05/04/2020  16:37            21.422 NESSUN DATO DISPONIBILE.JPG
07/01/2020  11:31               107 place.txt
               6 File        103.422 byte
               2 Directory  80.596.754.432 byte disponibili

C:\Users\Bruno\Desktop\tmpfolder>exiftool -filepath -subject -T -L -ext jpg -r .
-       -
C:/Users/Bruno/Desktop/tmpfolder/20040509,FV2,Roma,FNDV02 ASC001,(AVGA),0000000001/NESSUN DATO DISPONIBILE.JPG  -

C:\Users\Bruno\Desktop\tmpfolder>exiftool -filepath -subject -T -charset filename=Latin -ext jpg -r .
-       -
C:/Users/Bruno/Desktop/tmpfolder/20040509,FV2,Roma,FNDV02 ASC001,(AVGA),0000000001/NESSUN DATO DISPONIBILE.JPG  -

C:\Users\Bruno\Desktop\tmpfolder>exiftool -filepath -subject -T -charset filename=UTF8 -ext jpg -r .
-       -
C:/Users/Bruno/Desktop/tmpfolder/20040509,FV2,Roma,FNDV02 ASC001,(AVGA),0000000001/NESSUN DATO DISPONIBILE.JPG  -


If I remove the à from attività.jpg, it is processed corretly, therefore I guess it's the character à.

What I'm overseeing?

Thanks a lot,

Phil Harvey

Hi Bruno,

The Notes for the FilePath tag say this:

(absolute path of source file. Not generated unless specifically requested or the RequestAll API option is set. Does not support Windows Unicode file names)

- Phil
...where DIR is the name of a directory/folder containing the images.  On Mac/Linux/PowerShell, use single quotes (') instead of double quotes (") around arguments containing a dollar sign ($).


I missed that one! But not sure I understand what it really means? Can Exiftool process folders/images with accented letters in filename?

To get rid of the accented letters in filenames would be rather simple, I can rename them. But, lot of italian cities have accented letters in name and the city name is part of the folder name.

Should I rename cities with a stand-alone apostrophe (San Dona' instead San Donà)?

Thanks for your quick reply...

Phil Harvey

Quote from: brunos on April 06, 2020, 12:22:38 PM
Can Exiftool process folders/images with accented letters in filename?

There is no problem doing this in any operating system other than Windows.  In Windows, many issues have been solved, but a few issues remain.  To avoid problems, I would recommend using only plain ASCII characters in file and directory names.

QuoteShould I rename cities with a stand-alone apostrophe (San Dona' instead San Donà)?

I know of other software that has issues with quotes in a file name, although it isn't a problem for ExifTool.

- Phil
...where DIR is the name of a directory/folder containing the images.  On Mac/Linux/PowerShell, use single quotes (') instead of double quotes (") around arguments containing a dollar sign ($).


Ok thanks I lot. I will find a workaround.

Kindest regards