Changing file date to field in json file (YouTube/Google Takeout)

Started by camjac251, June 05, 2020, 08:04:08 AM

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I am trying to process this YouTube export I have but sadly the original file dates only exist as fields in the VideoName-metadata.json file included. All dates in the files themselves are from when the export was done.

I was hoping to use the field below from VideoName-metadata.json and save as the FileModifyDate (or all) on the VideoName.mp4 file. Each video has its own -metadata.json file.
"publishedAt" : "2019-09-13T14:00:03.000Z",

I am attempting it with this but get back an error of Warning: No writable tags set from video-metadata.json
exiftool -tagsfromfile "%f-metadata.json" "-FileModifyDate<publishedAt" -ext mp4 .

Could it be that I'm missing a step of converting the publishedAt date to a readable format? I found something with php []using strtodate with Google Takeout info[/url] but wasn't sure how that would be possible in exiftools.

This is what I tried following but could not get this to work.

Has anyone ran into the same problem as me before? I couldn't find any search results for YouTube takeout or publishedAt on the forums or Google with exiftool.


Quote from: camjac251 on June 05, 2020, 08:04:08 AM
Could it be that I'm missing a step of converting the publishedAt date to a readable format?

Run this command on the JSON file.
exiftool -s file.json

Exiftool will return the tag names of the various data in the file.  You can then figure out what name to use instead of "publishedAt"
* Did you read FAQ #3 and use the command listed there?
* Please use the Code button for exiftool code/output.
* Please include your OS, Exiftool version, and type of file you're processing (MP4, JPG, etc).


Thank you very much.

Turns out it was SnippetPublishedAt that I needed to use instead.