WIN10 Change file datetaken/tage used in win10 using date/time original

Started by billybuster75, April 07, 2021, 07:05:02 PM

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I have been scanning through the forums and looking at lots of scenarios on how to modify date tags. I have been through all of my photos and removed all duplicates before uploading them to google photo. I have 1000's of pictures and video files sorted into year based albums that I keep on my PC and Google photos.

I'm confused as to why some files have a date taken field in windows 10 explorer and some do not. I have looked at 2 files a comparison.

File 1 With Original dates that are correct - Does not show date taken in explorer:
File Modification Date/Time     : 2012:09:06 13:42:53+10:00
Date/Time Original              : 2012:09:06 13:42:52+10:00

File 2 With Original dates that are correct - Does not show date taken in explorer:

File Modification Date/Time     : 2016:12:04 14:21:05+11:00
Date/Time Original              : 2016:12:04 14:21:05

Create Date                     : 2016:12:04 14:21:05
Modify Date                     : 2016:12:04 14:21:05

I am assuming that windows uses either of these 2 additional date tags. Is there a way to copy the date/time original to both of the Create Date + Modify Date in all files types (JPG, JPEG, MTS etc) in an entire directory in the original file with out making and duplicate files?

Or is there a better way to do this?

Many thanks,

Thanks for your help,



What type of files are they?  Windows does not have a "Date Taken" property for every file type.

If you look at the file details, Right Click -> Properties -> Details tab, those are the only properties that the file can have.  Windows will not fill data that is not listed there.

An example would be PNG files.  The only metadata that Windows will read in a PNG file is the PNG:CreationTime which will fill the "Date Taken" property.  No amount of work will get Windows to display anything else.

And in some cases, such as the MTS files you mention, exiftool will be unlikely to support writing data.

You can view this post to see some of what metadata Windows will read and the properties that it will fill. 
"It didn't work" isn't helpful. What was the exact command used and the output.
Read FAQ #3 and use that cmd
Please use the Code button for exiftool output

Please include your OS/Exiftool version/filetype