Fuji X Series Movie High Speed rec

Started by greybeard, October 01, 2019, 10:42:23 AM

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More in the continuing series of Fuji X series EXIF

Tag 0x3824 Full HD High Speed Rec

Value 1 - Off
Value 2 - On (i.e. a specific setting chosen)

Fuji XT3 manual description


Phil Harvey

My Fuji X-T3 samples do not contain tag 0x3824 (neither do any of my samples for other Fuji models). Edit: Right, because this is a video setting and I don't have an X-T3 video sample.

To add this, I need to know the format of this tag from the -v2 or -u -G6 output.

...where DIR is the name of a directory/folder containing the images.  On Mac/Linux/PowerShell, use single quotes (') instead of double quotes (") around arguments containing a dollar sign ($).


[int32u]        Fuji Film 0x3824                : 2

Here are some video samples from the X-H1 (I've also checked the X-T3 and the values match)



Would this be better?

    0x3824 => { #forum10480 (X series)
        Name => 'FullHDHighSpeedRec',
        Writable => 'int32u',
        PrintConv => {
            1 => 'Off',
            2 => 'On',
        Groups => { 2 => 'Video' },

Phil Harvey

Oops.  Yes, thanks.  I messed up the PrintConv/Groups. :P

- Phil
...where DIR is the name of a directory/folder containing the images.  On Mac/Linux/PowerShell, use single quotes (') instead of double quotes (") around arguments containing a dollar sign ($).


Hi. Ages since I've visited. I'll start a new thread, if you don't notice this.
There's something amiss regarding Fuji X Series Movie High Speed rec values.
My Exif is from an X-T4 btw.

On UHD movies Exif Shows HighSpeedRecord OFF. So that is correct, as UHD movies can't be recorded High Speed.

Then play a movie that is 1920x1080 (HD) where HighSpeedRecord HAS been used. Exif Shows HighSpeedRecord ON. Value is again correct.

However, play a movie that is 1920x1080 with HighSpeedRecord NOT used, and the exif shows HighSpeedRecord ON.

Let me know if that's unclear !! Out of Practice.


Thanks for the post - I haven't looked at video on recent Fujifilm cameras - will do some analysis and post results - perhaps you would help in the testing


If I can help, I will. I'm in UK and currently very nocturnal, which may get in the way.
I'll shoot 2 test videos this afternoon on the latest firmware, check the output on exiftool, and in camera. Then I'll let you know & share vids with you if necessary.


I think the answer is that the 0x3824 is unreliable in showing High Speed Recording - it appears that it shows 1 for UHD and DCI and 2 for HD - regardless of High Speed recording.

If someone is interested in knowing whether High Speed Recording was being used then Frame Rate can be used to supply that information.

I have noticed a new value to video image stabilization for the recent cameras that I'll put in a new post


OK. Latest firmware. X-T4. As reported, exiftool shows High Speed Record as ON on all HD videos.
The camera itself, when stepping through the videos, shows the correct values, FHD 4X, FHD 10X or just FHD when HSR isn't used, or 4K etc.
Would you like a set of short videos to examine? If so, let me know where/how to send them.


Thanks - can you drop them on my web site contact form?


You don't need to complete any of the contact details - just drag and drop the files into the "Image Files to be Uploaded" box


OK done. Let me know if you need anything else.


OK - Phil - this tag does not seem to be a reliable way of identifying Movie High Speed Recording - unless someone has a better solution I'd suggest it is removed.