Confused about compress:zlib on linux (fedora)

Started by JRocchio, October 28, 2021, 06:24:21 PM

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First - I do love this tool; so thanks for making it.  I am on fedora linux. I recently started having a need to manage metadata in PDF files. I am finding that I often get message: "Warning : Install Compress::Zlib to process filtered streams" with the result that exiftool will not perform the metadata updates to those PDF files. I cannot fine a package named "Compress::Zlip" for fedora; but I have found and installed the package "perl-Compress-Raw-Zlib." However, that package has no effect on the compression warnings.

I have tried to research why PDF files would even generate such a warning, but can't find anything useful about it. All I can tell is that some PDF's have some objects in them that have been compressed using whatever algorithm zlib would be able to decompress. There aren't any images in these files, so no sure what would be compressed.

But in any case - is "perl-Compress-Raw-Zlib" no good for this purpose? Is it ok, but in the wrong location (/usr/lib64/perl5/vendor_perl/auto/Compress/Raw/Zlib/ Do I somehow need to tell exiftool in a config file that it's there?

Any help appreciated!


Try opening a shell and typing
cpanm Compress::Zlib

If that doesn't work because you don't have cpanm, then try just
cpan Compress::Zlib

Though CPAN suggest installing cpanm if you don't have it.  See here
* Did you read FAQ #3 and use the command listed there?
* Please use the Code button for exiftool code/output.
* Please include your OS, Exiftool version, and type of file you're processing (MP4, JPG, etc).


Neither of those worked - 'command not found.' So I googled up cpanm to find out what it was: untility to get & install CPAN modules.' I don't know what a CPAN module is; but obviously it's a Pearl thing (I'm a PHP, and an old C++ kind!).

So I installed 'perl-App-cpanminus' from my distro's repository, ran the cpanm command, and now it works. (Note to anyone else using this posting to help themselves - I unthinkingly ran cpanm Compress::Zlib without SUDO. It gave me a warning that it was installing in my user home directory as it didn't have access to where it really wanted to install it. Dispite that it all is working just fine; but when you run the command to install Compress::Zlib I assum you really should run as SUDO.)

Thanks StarGeek!