Move photos into subfolders (Year / Month)

Started by crazySwede, April 21, 2022, 08:22:46 AM

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I have lots of iphone photos in ONE folder. I would like to move them into 12 separate folders (Jan to Dec).

I tried to follow this post:

This is what happened: (I navigated via the terminal to the folder with the photos and wrote this command):
exiftool -d %Y/%m/%d "-directory<filemodifydate" "-directory<createdate" "-directory<datetimeoriginal"

But get this answer:
No file specified

What am I doing wrong?


The error is exactly what it says.  You didn't specify any files or directories.

If you look closely at the command in that article, you'll see a dot . at the very end.  On the command line, a dot by itself stands for the current directory.
* Did you read FAQ #3 and use the command listed there?
* Please use the Code button for exiftool code/output.
* Please include your OS, Exiftool version, and type of file you're processing (MP4, JPG, etc).