My .mov files are sorted incorrectly in windows and google photos

Started by momonim, July 21, 2022, 11:52:46 AM

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Apparently they are sorted by the 'Media Created' field in the file properties and it is double shifted by time zone (GMT+6hours). Although the .jpg files from the same camera are okay. I extracted the exif information but they are showing correctly. If I change in the windows file properties, the QuickTime:CreateDate field shifts 6 hours backwards and becomes mismatched with other tags. What can I do to stop windows to add extra 6 hours to the .mov? (I am not very well versed in this)

Correct Time: 7/14/2022 06:20PM

Media created in windows properties and in Google photos: 7/15/2022 12:20AM

after giving this command: exiftool -time:all -g1 -a -s "E:\Pictures\2022\kuakata\DSCN1740.MOV"
Exif information
---- System ----
FileModifyDate                  : 2022:07:14 18:20:06+06:00
FileAccessDate                  : 2022:07:20 22:17:20+06:00
FileCreateDate                  : 2022:07:17 11:51:22+06:00
---- QuickTime ----
CreateDate                      : 2022:07:14 18:20:00
ModifyDate                      : 2022:07:14 18:20:00
---- Track1 ----
TrackCreateDate                 : 2022:07:14 18:20:00
TrackModifyDate                 : 2022:07:14 18:20:00
MediaCreateDate                 : 2022:07:14 18:20:00
MediaModifyDate                 : 2022:07:14 18:20:00
---- Track2 ----
TrackCreateDate                 : 2022:07:14 18:20:00
TrackModifyDate                 : 2022:07:14 18:20:00
MediaCreateDate                 : 2022:07:14 18:20:00
MediaModifyDate                 : 2022:07:14 18:20:00
---- Nikon ----
CreateDate                      : 2022:07:14 18:20:00
DateTimeOriginal                : 2022:07:14 18:20:00
---- GPS ----
GPSTimeStamp                    : 00:00:00
GPSDateStamp                    :
---- Composite ----
GPSDateTime                     :  00:00:00Z


QuickTime date/time tags in .mov, .mp4 and .m4v should be stored as UTC. If the API QuickTimeUTC option is set, then ExifTool will assume these values are properly stored as UTC, and will convert them to local time when extracting. So try:

exiftool -a -G1 -s -api QuickTimeUTC=1 -time:all

Then look for QuickTime:CreateDate (and Keys:CreationDate which is present at least in movies from iOS devices).

- Matti


Thanks for replying.

I think my camera has stored Quicktime timestaps as local time not UTC. Exiftool shows the correct local time without setting the api (UTC+6hrs). My problem is with windows file properties that is adding extra 6 hours to the local time(UTC+12hrs). If I add api like you said, exiftool is also adding extra 6 hours like windows(UTC+12hrs).

What am I asking is if I can do anything with the exiftool so that this extra 6 hours are not added in windows 'Media Created' or I need to manually make all the time tags (there are 12 :) ) UTC in exiftool.

my local time is 2022/07/14 18:20:00 (UTC+6)
UTC time should be 2022/07/14 12:20:00 (UTC+0)
exiftool without api showing 2022/07/14 18:20:00 (UTC+6)
exiftool with api showing 2022/07/15 00:20:00 (UTC+12)
windows 'Media created' 2022/07/15 00:20:00 (UTC+12)

I am sorry if I am missing something obvious.

Phil Harvey

The only thing you can do is use ExifTool to subtract 6 hours from the times.  You should be able to do it like this:

exiftool -time:all-=6 -wm w -P FILE

The -wm w causes ExifTool to only edit existing tags, and the -P preserves the filesystem date/time tags.  So the effect of the command should be to shift all MOV date/time tags back by 6 hours.

- Phil
...where DIR is the name of a directory/folder containing the images.  On Mac/Linux/PowerShell, use single quotes (') instead of double quotes (") around arguments containing a dollar sign ($).


Thanks. I guess that's the only thing I can do. Can you tell me how to make my camera store in UTC so that next time I don't have to do this?

Phil Harvey

You can set the time on your camera back by 6 hours.

- Phil
...where DIR is the name of a directory/folder containing the images.  On Mac/Linux/PowerShell, use single quotes (') instead of double quotes (") around arguments containing a dollar sign ($).