Have trouble retrieving detailed GPS data from Theta X MP4

Started by stefanb42, October 15, 2022, 11:53:29 AM

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I having some issues with extracting GPS data from a file recorded with Ricoh Theta X camera,
unlike the Theta V files, https://streetviewstudio.maps.google.com/ can display the GPS data for files created after the upgrade to firmware to 1.20.0. (Does not work for file created with the with factory firmware.)

While it was possible to successfully published most of them on Google's Street View using the studio site, that does not help with locating the images that was extracted from the video. (For some of files I lost the separate GPS tracker data an/or it's to inaccurate to use. The phone's GPS is very sensitive to movement and bumps, while the embedded GPS data is seems to be more accurate in some cases.)
S.V. Studio Screenshot

One would naturally assume there ought to be valid GPS coordinates in the CAMM stream, though when I checked a while back, only camm2 (AngularVelocity) and camm3 (Acceleration) was decoded -- same as for the Theta V.

Links to test files:
R0010118.MP4 (approx 3 min 30 seconds / 814 GB)
(approx 3 min 30 seconds / 814 GB)
R0010117.MP4 (approx 2 min 9 seconds / 504 GB)

Phil Harvey

Hi Stefan,

I get all the GPS coordinates from the videos you posted using the current version of ExifTool (12.48) and the -ee  option.

- Phil
...where DIR is the name of a directory/folder containing the images.  On Mac/Linux/PowerShell, use single quotes (') instead of double quotes (") around arguments containing a dollar sign ($).