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TIFF Spawn

Started by blue-j, October 28, 2022, 04:57:30 PM

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Wow.  So I am going through the ExifTool EXIF: (née TIFF) group and trying to parse out what sort of subspace the fields might hale from.  In so doing, I have met many a weird mutation of TIFF, like TIFF-FX, TIFF/EP, TIFF/IT, and others.  Phil has dug under every rock to find TIFF spawned fields!  His work continues to amaze me.

I found this Python library that supports some flavors of TIFF I have not heard of, specific (somewhat) to bioimaging, and share it in case it's valuable to anyone else:

Scroll down to the Notes and References sections specifically for a cornucopia of scientific offshoots of the mighty TIFF format!  Yowsa!

- J




"...are the same as YCbCrSubSampling and YCbCrPositioning in [TIFF] but have been renamed to reflect their
applicability to other color spaces." - TIFF-FX RFC3949 p. 49-50

I am unsure if I see a map in ET source resolving the two...?

Hey Phil, if you didn't do such an incredible job, my discoveries would be cooler! Your fault.  :p

- J

Phil Harvey

Sorry for the delay in responding to this.  I don't understand how this impacts ExifTool.  If TIFF-FX wants to name some tags differently, that's fine.  ExifTool will keep the same name.

- Phil
...where DIR is the name of a directory/folder containing the images.  On Mac/Linux/PowerShell, use single quotes (') instead of double quotes (") around arguments containing a dollar sign ($).


Understood.  Thank you, sensei!  - J