Request: standard camera make / model output?

Started by borism, June 21, 2023, 07:11:57 AM

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Would it be possible for exiftool to output camera make and if available model in a standard field? There's a lot of custom code for each camera type, so it feels like exiftool could output this information? (Or is it already somewhere I'm not seeing?)

Thank you again for the awesome tool!


-Make and -Model should cover most brands of camera


Exiftool can only output the data that is actually in the file.  If the data isn't there, exiftool cannot display it.  As @ericconn says, the standard place for this is the EXIF:Make and EXIF:Model tags.  I don't recall ever seeing a camera that didn't fill these tags, but I suppose it could be possible.

What are you seeing that has the make and model in a different place?  Use the command in FAQ #3 to see all the data and their locations, including duplicate tag names.  Copy/paste and post the output here.
"It didn't work" isn't helpful. What was the exact command used and the output.
Read FAQ #3 and use that cmd
Please use the Code button for exiftool output

Please include your OS/Exiftool version/filetype


Thanks for the replies!

-Make and -Model seem to work for cameras that supply this information, however I also have several examples of video files from camera brands that don't supply this information (for example BlackVue, Anker, VanTrue, Viofo). In these cases I just get a warning from exiftool without a make/model:
exiftool -Make video.mp4
Warning: [minor] The ExtractEmbedded option may find more tags in the media data

However, my guess is that exiftool can actually tell what brand of cameras these are because custom exif parsing code was written for them. So it should be able to return that this file came from a BlackVue camera, etc. Would it be possible for exiftool to populate the -Make and maybe even -Model fields in these cases?


While we are on the subject I'd like to see consistency in the way Make and Model are written.

Sometimes make is included in model (Make:Canon - Model:Canon EOS R50) and sometimes it isn't (Make:FUJIFILM - Model:X-S10) and sometimes the make in the make field differs from the make in the model field (Make:NIKON CORPORATION - Model:NIKON D6).

But as StarGeek says Exiftool just displays what it finds.


@Phil Harvey - any thoughts on whether it would be possible to populate the -Make and maybe even -Model fields (or something like -ProbableMake and -ProbableModel) based on the custom parsing you've added for cameras like BlackVue, Anker, VanTrue, Viofo, etc?