Reimporting to root directory image using full pathname

Started by mazeckenrode, September 26, 2023, 11:07:53 AM

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Based on problems discussed in this other topic I started last week, I think I can now safely report this as an ExifTool bug (but if I missed anything, please tell me)...

Attempt to import metadata (usually from a previously exported JSON, for me) to an image file in the root directory of any drive or partition, using the full pathname of said image file as such:

ExifTool -m "-json=D:\Clipboard Image.png.json" "D:\Clipboard Image.png"

ExifTool reports the following for any image file I attempt to import to:

No SourceFile 'D:/Clipboard Image.png' in imported JSON database
(full path: 'd://clipboard image.png')

Note the two (2) forward slashes following the colon.

Initially noticed this while using ExifTool v12.55 under Windows 7 x64, but also happens with v12.67 and Windows 10.

I'm guessing a sample image isn't necessary in this case since it happens for any image I try it on (under these specific circumstances), but will happily provide one anyway if desired.

Phil Harvey

...where DIR is the name of a directory/folder containing the images.  On Mac/Linux/PowerShell, use single quotes (') instead of double quotes (") around arguments containing a dollar sign ($).