Question to ExifTool could not be loaded

Started by herb, July 14, 2024, 03:44:18 AM

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Hello Frank

I use ExifToolGUI 6.3.4 the latest released version.

In a directory I have some files with "unusual" filenames (similar to image.jpg_original):
e.g.: image.jpg_1234

Exiftool is working properly.
But when I right-click into the empty area inside the filelist the popup "Exiftool could not be started" is displayed.
Is this the correct behaviour?

When I have only files with "standard" filenames inside the directory, and right-clicking after the latest filename in filelist
a refresh of the list is done.
Is this the correct behaviour?

Thanks in advance
Best regards


Hi Herb,

I could simply answer NO to your questions. But I imagine you want more detail.

- You distinguish standard and unusual filenames. I have never noticed any difference. Could you give some examples? (If you're concerned about privacy, send me a PM)

- What happens if you right-click is that ExifTool is stopped, then the chosen ation is performed, and after completion exiftool is restarted. Some operations, like delete and rename , will fail when exiftool is stil running. Especially when the operation is performed on a whole directory.
If restarting ExifTool fails, that explains the error.

- Exiftool is always started with the 'Working directory' the selected directory. I do know that some directories can not be used as a working directory. (So the directory name would be unusual not the file name) See screenshot.

- Looking at the code I did notice an improvement that could be made.
When you right-click inside the empty area, the control de-selects all previously selected files. (The control does that) But in my code I do not check if any file is selected. Some code is executed needlessly, including restarting ExifTool.


not be loaded.jpg


Hello Frank

try to play with the attached image.

I started ExifToolGUI 6.3.4 to open the directory with this image.
Then right-click into the empty area of the file-list.

Best regards


Thanks for your sample Herb.

I can not reproduce it. It just refreshes when I right click. I saved the file in c:\foto\herb.

Do you get the message like I posted earlier? If yes, I can send you a modified exe, that will show a callstack. That might help me.



Hello Frank,

thanks for your investigations. This behaviour is really strange.
But you are right it does not always happen.

Using the following directory tree I could reproduce it. I give the tree as it is shown in left window of ExifToolGUI.
- F:\problem
- F:\problem\test1\image.jpg_12345
- F:\problem\test2\image.jpg_12345    (identical file as in test1)
- F:\problem\something.ZIP

Only the right click in test2 shows the popup message.

I hope this helps. Otherwise please send me your "trace-version".

Best regards


If I would have to place a bet, I would bet on the ZIP file. The controls used (Treeview with folders on the left, and the ListView with folders/files in the middle) consider a ZIP file as a directory. And GUI tries to start ExifTool with that ZIP file as the working directory.

Please try with renaming the ZIP file to something else (NO_ZIP) and see if that makes a difference. If that seems unrelated let me know, I will send you a 'Debug version'



Hello Frank,

yes you are right: it happens only when the "next directory" in treeview is a *.zip file/directory.
This I tried to explain when I listed the content of my test-directory.

Best regards


Hi Herb,

Created a fix for this. Check your PM for download link.



It seems that ExifToolGUI might have trouble handling filenames like image.jpg_1234. The error "Exiftool could not be started" when right-clicking in an empty area with such filenames isn't expected behavior, although ExifTool itself works fine with them.

When using standard filenames, the list refresh upon right-clicking is normal behavior to update file metadata.


Hi Kevin,

The error that occured after right clicking in the empty area has been fixed. It will be in the next release 6.3.5.

GUI has no problems with *.jpg_1234 files, but has been observed that zip archives can lead to simular messages.

If you want I can send you a PM with a download link for the pre-release.
