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IPTC plateform

Started by Archive, May 12, 2010, 08:53:58 AM

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[Originally posted by digi on 2006-12-01 10:37:00-08]

Hi All,

We work with european companies, so very often IPTC fields contain accentuated characters.
Our server is a windows machine.
Is there a way to know if the content of IPTC are filled onto MacOS or Windows or linux?

Thanks for your help


[Originally posted by exiftool on 2006-12-01 12:34:12-08]

This is mentioned in
FAQ #10.
Basically, what you need to do is look at the IPTC CodedCharacterSet tag to
determine which character sets are used in the IPTC information.  For details,
you will need to read the
IPTC specification.

I hope this helps.

- Phil


[Originally posted by digi on 2006-12-01 12:47:31-08]

Yes, this helpfull
But if the IPTC CodedCharacterSet tag is not set?
This the case when IPTC is writing with Adobe Photoshop

- Didier


[Originally posted by digi on 2006-12-01 12:48:32-08]

Yes, this helpfull
But if the IPTC CodedCharacterSet tag is not set?
This the case when IPTC is writing with Adobe Photoshop

- Didier


[Originally posted by exiftool on 2006-12-01 13:00:17-08]

Hi Didier,

Hmmm.  Good question.  This is something to ask Adobe.  They actually
write different coded character sets from different platforms without
specifying a CodedCharacterSet tag?  I didn't realize this.  Sounds like a
Photoshop bug to me Wink

As you may have realized, this is a bit of a weakness in the IPTC

- Phil