Skip if filename matches pattern?

Started by theprof, October 20, 2024, 06:05:40 PM

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I have the following command:
exiftool \
-P \
-overwrite_original_in_place \
-FileOrder CreateDate -FileOrder -FileSize -FileOrder FileModifyDate \
-api QuickTimeUTC \
-if '$MimeType=~/^(video|image)\//i' \
'-AllDates<FileModifyDate#' \
'-AllDates<${DateTimeOriginal#;$_ = undef if $_ lt "1971"}' \
'-AllDates<${CreateDate#;$_ = undef if $_ lt "1971"}' \
-d "%Y-%m-%d %H-%M-%S %%.2nc.%%le" \
'-FileName<FileModifyDate' \
'-FileName<${DateTimeOriginal;$_ = undef if $_ lt "1971"}' \
'-FileName<${CreateDate;$_ = undef if $_ lt "1971"}' \

What I want to do is if the "FileName" already matches the pattern, then it should skip over that file.