copy file name to Image Description in jExiftoolGUI

Started by calotype, January 17, 2025, 09:19:15 AM

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Hello everyone,

I'm total noob and I would like to do the same as @dark_hawk in the jExifToolGUI V2.0.2
In my case I would like to copy file name in place of Image Description.
By the same I would like  to back space all the terms copied in Image Description each time there is  symbole(s) predefinied, in my case a space or _ in the source file name.
In Bonus if those space or symbol can be ereased in Exif it's perfect ! 

jExifToolGui doesn't show backspace in Viewdata but many soft does.

For exemple:
(In lightroom "Image Description" is shown as "Caption")

I tried this but doen't seems to work:

Thank's by advance.


I'm guessing that you mean you want a new line when you say backspace?

jExiftoolGUI is a third party tool that no longer has support from the author. I can't help with it but I can tell you want to do on the command line.

You might want to look into FrankB's exiftool GUI with is well-supported (see the exiftool GUI sub-forum).

On the command line, you would use something like this. This is for Windows CMD, change the double quotes into single quotes for Mac/Linux.
C:\>exiftool -P -overwrite_original "-ImageDescription<${Basename;s/_/\n/g}" Y:\!temp\x\y\Elephant_pink_Groenland.jpg
    1 image files updated

C:\>exiftool -G1 -a -s -b -ImageDescription Y:\!temp\x\y\Elephant_pink_Groenland.jpg

See FAQ #2 for the reason that "Image Description" didn't work in your jExiftoolGUI command.
"It didn't work" isn't helpful. What was the exact command used and the output.
Read FAQ #3 and use that cmd
Please use the Code button for exiftool output

Please include your OS/Exiftool version/filetype


Thank's for your help !
Sorry for the wrong section as I thought exiftool et jexiftoolGUI was the same community. If you want me to reopen a thread in the correct section let me know.

Your command line worked in a way but not in an other. And it's a headache.
I wrote (still in jexiftoolGUI) your command line as you recommended.
-overwrite_original '-ImageDescription<${Basename;s/_/\n/g}'

All my software read exifs in Image Descriton as expected and are as I asked "returned to the line".
But with the software xnview that I use to make contact sheets and that can use exifs data to title each pictures on this, export titles are blanks whereas xnview correctly show me data exifs in the interface.

The weird thing is that if I import in lightroom all my files processed  with your command line (that show me correct exifs) then select in lightroom all the images and do a simple "save metadata to file" then xnview still show me those as before but can correctly use them in the contact sheet export....

But it's not ended yet lol:
On the contact sheet datas are not "returned to the line" whereas xnview  and lightroom interface show me them "returned to the line".
If I go back to lightroom and manually edit Image Description ( I erase Image description data and  rewrite them "returned to the line" and "save metadata to file") then xnview still show me Image description data as always and correctly but in that case the exported contact sheet title data are correctly "returned to the line" like the source. This is crazy.
Btw I noticed a very little difference in xnview interface Image Description data are not exactly shown the same way:

I also notice that jexiftoolGUI interface show me exif data edited by itself with "." between words "" whereas data edited with backspace in lightroom are shown as this "ElephantpinkGroenland"

So I think probably the solution is in this two points:
- Is there different way to write data in exifs that can make those differences?
- Maybe you touched a point in your guess and said "you mean you want a new line when you say backspace?". Could creating new line and doing "returned to the line" to be two different things ?

Hope you could help again !


Quote from: calotype on January 18, 2025, 12:50:26 PMSorry for the wrong section as I thought exiftool et jexiftoolGUI was the same community. If you want me to reopen a thread in the correct section let me know.

There is no section. jExiftoolGUI is a third party program that uses exiftool on the back end. Any support was provided by the author, and they no longer support it. Best we can do is give you the command line and you can try to adapt it.

Quoteare as I asked "backspaced".

I do not know what you mean by "backspaced". When you use a backspace, the previous character is erased.

Can you provide sample images of both situations so we can take a look at what is really going on?
"It didn't work" isn't helpful. What was the exact command used and the output.
Read FAQ #3 and use that cmd
Please use the Code button for exiftool output

Please include your OS/Exiftool version/filetype


Oh my bad !! :o  :-[
By "Backspace" I wanted to say "Return to line".
I'm very sorry about that,it was very confusing of course so I edited my previous message !


@Stargeek: Not trying to hijack this thread. Just curious if, and how it would work in GUI.
It should be noted that ExifToolGui is only available for Windows, jexiftoolGUI is multiplatform.

The only way I think it is possible in GUI is to use this command in ExifTool Direct. If it is a repetitive task you could save it as 'Predefined'


The newlines are in the image, but ExifTool(GUI) shows them as dots. It doesn't use the -b

C:\temp>exiftool -s -n -imagedescription *.jpg
ImageDescription                :



Quote from: calotype on January 18, 2025, 12:50:26 PMAll my software read exifs in Image Descriton as expected and are as I asked "returned to the line".
But with the software xnview that I use to make contact sheets and that can use exifs data to title each pictures on this, export titles are blanks whereas xnview correctly show me data exifs in the interface.

This sounds like FAQ #3. You're assuming the tag is ImageDescription but there are two other tags that fall into the category of "Description". Use the command in FAQ #3 on one of the files which works and one that doesn't and look to see what tags contain the correct data in each.

Again, if you can, post an example image that works and one that does not so we can take a closer look at them.
"It didn't work" isn't helpful. What was the exact command used and the output.
Read FAQ #3 and use that cmd
Please use the Code button for exiftool output

Please include your OS/Exiftool version/filetype