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Started by Archive, May 12, 2010, 08:54:04 AM

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[Originally posted by amepapi on 2007-05-21 09:31:11-07]

First of all my compliments for's an amazing tool for anyone interested in digital photography.

I have to import on a Filemaker's database some picture data (OS=windows xp, exiftool version=6.9).

So theese are the steps i want to follow:

1- import the image in filemaker

2- export the image data in the temporary file called Temp.txt with fixed location c:\Database\out

3- import the picture data stored in Temp.txt in filemaker

The problem is in step number 2.

I think i have to use this command:

exiftool.exe -f -title -creator -filetype -filesize "c:\image.tif" &gt "c:\Database\out\Temp.txt"

I tried this command line in cmd.exe and DOES WORK, but DOESN'T work in filemaker - maybe because his "send event" script command act like "run" from Windows.

The problem seems to be on the "&gt" symbol, used for saving the Temp.txt in a precise location (i.e. I want to use always the same file for every image, overwriting the old one. In this way the others operations, called by the script, are easier).

How can i figure out???



[Originally posted by exiftool on 2007-05-21 11:19:55-07]

Ah, yes.  This is a bit tricky if you can't use '>' to pipe the
output to a file because as you probably know the -w option
doesn't take a filename as an argument.  It takes either a file
extension or a filename format string.  Luckily, we can use
a tricky format string to do what you want:

exiftool  -creator -filetype -filesize "c:\image.tif" -w "%0fc:\Database\out\Temp.txt"

This should work because adding any format tokens (like "%0f") causes
the argument to be interpreted as a filename format string, but
the "%0f" takes zero characters from the filename, so its doesn't
contribute to the output filename.

I think this work-around should do the job for you.

- Phil


[Originally posted by amepapi on 2007-05-21 14:33:37-07]

YES! IT WORKS!!! THANKYOU.....Exiftool rocks!