Writing data to EXIF ImageDescription field

Started by Archive, May 12, 2010, 08:54:13 AM

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[Originally posted by amature on 2007-12-18 18:34:28-08]

I am using ExifTool to move the Caption-Abstract into the EXIF ImageDescription.  I have run into a problem in that the Catalog application ThumbsPlus that I have used to rotate the portrait image into the proper orientation apparently damages the EXIF field in the process so that when ExifTool tries to operate on these files it gets an error and will not modify the files.  The error is "Error: [minor] Bad MakerNotes directory pointer for tag 0x2e - f:/IMGP0076.JPG"

Does anyone have a workaround that would allow me to either fix the EXIF area or get ExifTool to ignore the error and write to the file anyway.


[Originally posted by exiftool on 2007-12-18 19:43:38-08]

Have you tried using the -m option?