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-tagsfromfile not working

Started by Archive, May 12, 2010, 08:54:26 AM

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[Originally posted by mdw on 2008-10-18 10:47:09-07]

I want to copy EXIF from one JPEG file to another JPEG file (using -tagsfromfile). Sounds easy, but for some unknown reason the result is that nothing is written into destination file:

D:\Obrazky\Vyber\CS_vylet_1>exiftool -TagsFromFile D:\Obrazky\Vlastni-unprocess
d\2008-10-13\small\IMG_4326.jpg -exif:all IMG_4326.jpg
======== D:\Obrazky\Vlastni-unprocessed\2008-10-13\small\IMG_4326.jpg
======== IMG_4326.jpg
    2 image files read

The source file does have EXIF, the destination file has no metainfo. There is no indication of error. Why it does not work?


[Originally posted by exiftool on 2008-10-18 12:14:48-07]

There must be a typing mistake or hidden/special characters
somewhere on the command line you used.  The command you
posted looks fine, but the -TagsFromFile option is not
taking effect because
exiftool appears to be extracting information from the two
files instead of writing the one file.

Try adding -f -S to see what tags it thought
you were trying to extract.  If -TagsFromFile is somehow
spelled incorrectly, exiftool will think it is a tag name and it will
show up in the -f output.

- Phil


[Originally posted by mdw on 2008-10-19 06:35:44-07]

Here it goes:

D:\Obrazky\Vyber\CS_vylet_1>exiftool -f -S -tagsfromfile d:\Obrazky\Vlastni-processed\photo-062-in_progress\2008-10-13\small\IMG_4326.jpg -exif:all IMG_4326.jpg

======== d:\Obrazky\Vlastni-processed\photo-062-in_progress\2008-10-13\small\IMG_4326.jpg
tagsfromfile: -
all (x): -
======== IMG_4326.jpg
tagsfromfile: -
all (x): -
    2 image files read

The command line is typed manually on keyboard, I cannot imagine a way the '-tagsfromfile' could get some special characters inside.



[Originally posted by exiftool on 2008-10-19 13:33:47-07]

What version of exiftool are you using?  (type "exiftool -ver").
This would happen if you are using an absolutely
ancient version, but the -TagsFromFile option was introduced
in version 5.10 way back in May 2005.  We are currently
on version 7.49.

Also, what operating system are you using?  Windows XP?

- Phil


[Originally posted by mdw on 2008-10-19 19:54:31-07]

Well, this is really the case - my exiftool -ver shows pre 4.35! But I installed the latest version from your website, so what's wrong? Well, this is what happens: I have had installed Image::ExifTool to my ActivePerl long time ago for use in my image management scripts. And now it seems when I type "exiftool" the old version seems to be executed!

Thank you you for your very useful response.



[Originally posted by exiftool on 2008-10-19 20:38:44-07]

You'll have to track down and delete the old
version.  I don't know exactly where you'll find
it, but I'd check in with the other ActivePerl
libraries.  You'll have to delete the 'exiftool'
application, plus File\, Image\
and everything in the Image\ExifTool directory.

Good luck.

- Phil