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Special chars under Mac

Started by Archive, May 12, 2010, 08:54:26 AM

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[Originally posted by bloomtech on 2008-10-17 11:23:41-07]

Hi all,
i'm having this trouble with special chars like umlaut or "spanish n" (the n with the tilde above) for example. They are in city/country names and I'm trying to assing them to JPG via command line.
I assign them, among others, to -xmp:City and -Caption-Abstract
I use the -L flag, indeed they appear correctly under my Photoshop in Windows XP, but when I try to open them in PS under Mac, I can't see them.
Wanna see what I mean: go to and search for BVH-00309946, open the image datail and save that JPG. Then do the same with BVH-00411483, created with IViewMedia and working correctly under both Win and Mac.

Any suggestion would be really appreciated. Thanks


[Originally posted by exiftool on 2008-10-17 11:43:34-07]

The problem isn't XMP, it's IPTC.  XMP is straightforward
because it always uses UTF8, and any tool that understands
XMP should get this right.  IPTC on the other hand
is very complex and special characters are not handled
properly in IPTC by most applications (including PS).

Try deleting the IPTC and using just XMP.

Also, the exiftool
number 10
may help explain things.

I hope this helps.

- Phil


[Originally posted by bloomtech on 2008-10-20 08:30:08-07]

Hi, thanks for the suggestion.
Actually, the problem is not with special chars and PS "per se", since in Windows it works just fine. But the same image with same metadata in PS under Mac fails.. actually all tested images softwares under Mac show wrong chars, so I assume it is some limitation/incompatibility with pagecodes..

- Fabio