Can the Tags be display like exiv2 ?

Started by pixelextreme, May 21, 2011, 10:15:54 AM

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Is it possible to display the tags similar to exiv2 with the the arguments
exiv2 -PktEIX file.jpg
which produces tag labels like

Exif.Photo.ColorSpace                         sRGB
Exif.Photo.PixelXDimension                    4000
Exif.Photo.PixelYDimension                    3000
Exif.Photo.InteroperabilityTag                3300
Exif.Iop.InteroperabilityIndex                R98

Phil Harvey

You can come close with -s -G<family number(s)>, where you can choose the families to display to suit your needs.  Maybe something like -G0:2 -s?

- Phil
...where DIR is the name of a directory/folder containing the images.  On Mac/Linux/PowerShell, use single quotes (') instead of double quotes (") around arguments containing a dollar sign ($).


This should suffice, I'll remove the brackets and modify the first two columns to be similar.

[MakerNotes:Image] FlashGuideNumber             : 0
[MakerNotes:Image] FlashExposureComp            : 0
[MakerNotes:Image] AutoExposureBracketing       : Off