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Drive list missing in ver.4.25?

Started by TT, December 20, 2011, 01:40:00 PM

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I must be doing something wrong because I can't see the available drives in My Computer with version 4.25.  They're there in version 4.10. ??


I can see all drives here and I can't imagine what you could have done wrong... Try following:
Use menu Preferences, click on [ ... ] button in Default startup folder section and small window will be shown. Can you see all drives there?
What Windows are you using? Where did you saved ExifToolGUI?
Try to delete (or temporary rename) ExifToolGUI.ini file and run GUI again. Actually, I have no idea how this could happen to you...



Thanks, BogdanH.

I tried your suggestion.  THAT window shows all the available drives under My Computer.  All that shows in the left pane of ExifToolGUI under My Computer is "Shared Dicuments" and "Owner's Documents" and their subfolders.  No drives at all.  I deleted the ini file and re-ran the program .. same problem.  Then I set the '-start in' option to something other than C:\ and the drives still don't show.  Whe I re-start the program the focus is always on 'My Computer', and never on the drive/folder I selected with the '-start in' option'.

All of my changes via Preferences are reflected in the ExifToolGUI.ini as expected.  I can see the drive and folder I selected.  If I re-start and look in Preferences again, my choice is, in fact, still there.  So it seems the problem is entirely with the left-pane view.

Like I said, 4.10 shows everything as it should.  I'm using WinXP-sp1 and running the program from a USB flash drive as drive F: . 

I started with a fresh copy of ExifToolGUI.exe and exiftool.exe on the C: drive.  It created a new ini file, but the same results .. no drives shown.

I attached a snippet of the pane showing exactly what I see under all conditions.



Thank you for precise answer and screenshot.
I will look into that. However, because GUI works fine here (Windows7), I can hardly replicate the problem. Of course, sometimes I change things in GUI, which are not visible to user (to improve speed, features, compatibility, etc.) and one of this changes (between v4.10 and v4.25) might be the reason for your problem. Anyway, I will let you know if I find something.
Now, do me (and yourself) a favor and install Service Pack 3 for WinXP!

I've tried something... please download attached GUI and let me know if there's any difference



Version 4.25.1 works like a charm, Bogdan!  Thanks!  I didn't test all the functions, but the problem at hand is fixed.

> "Now, do me (and yourself) a favor and install Service Pack 3 for WinXP!"

No can do.  It's on old laptop with limited memory (768k) that can't be expanded, with a wonderful display, and that works perfectly with all of the apps I run.  So I'm kinda stuck.  But, I know I'll have to 'downgrade' one of these days... ;>)

Thanks again.  Let me know if you need anything else tested.


Thank you for your confirmation. As it seems, I have made a change once, without being aware of consequence.
