Using ExifToolGUI together with Geosetter

Started by Karsten_M, September 05, 2012, 04:04:14 PM

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first: Thank you both coders very, very much for your work!

I'm working with Windows 7 64 bit. As I use quite often Friedemann Schmidts "Geosetter" (which itself uses ExifTool) I copied ExifToolGui.exe just into the folder
C:\Program Files (x86)\GeoSetter\tools

That's the folder, where Geosetter expects ExifTool.

The advantage is: Geosetter looks for an update when starting and even downloads the latest version of ExifTool when I accept it.

All things seem to work nicely (though I'm just doing my first steps with ExifToolGUI), only one thing makes me wonder:
- there is no ini file in this folder
- but ExifToolGUI does show the folder where I was, when I closed it the last time.

So there must be a place where it writes down this info...
Any idea where?

Best Regards,


Hello Karsten,

have you ever checked the ExifTool version which is in the directory 'C:\Program Files (x86)\GeoSetter\tools'? You will find an old version of ExifTool in this directory! GeoSetter installs the updates of ExifTool into the following directory: <AppData>\GeoSetter\tools. The reason for this is, that you ususally have no administravie rights in the directory 'C:\Program Files (x86)'

If the UAC is enabled, Windows 7 is using a 'VirtualStore' when applications are trying to write into the ProgramFilesDir (you never have real admin rights if the UAC is enabled). Therefore I assume that Windows redirects the ExifToolGui.INI into this 'VirtualStore'. Take a look into the following directory: 'C:\Users\<UserName>\AppData\Local\VirtualStore'. I assume that there is a subdirectory 'GeoSetter\tools' where you will find the ExifToolGui.INI.

I personally have copied ExifToolGui.exe into <AppData>\GeoSetter\Tools.

I hope this will explain your question.
