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QuickTime metadata editor?

Started by mastodon, August 03, 2010, 01:02:21 PM

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I am using Exiftool (with Exiftool GUI) quite frequently, it is a perfect tool read Meta tags, and write most of the them. Exif time shift is a need! :)
I'd like to write the metadata of QuickTime movies (.mov) made by Canon cameras. Is there any free tool there to do this? And, will Exiftool write mov files?


Speaking about GUI, there EXIF:DateTime shift option in Modify menu (if that's what you mean). And of course, you can do the same by using Exiftool directly.

About QT mov files.. according to Exiftool specifications (, you can only read/view metadata.



Thanks. Sorry for my bad English, I meant that my most used ExiTool (GUI ) function is EXIF:DateTime shift. :) And, is there any free software that can edit QT meta tags?

Phil Harvey

I think your best bet is QuickTime for editing QuickTime tags. ;)

I'm sure there must be other utilities out there, but I haven't searched for them.

- Phil
...where DIR is the name of a directory/folder containing the images.  On Mac/Linux/PowerShell, use single quotes (') instead of double quotes (") around arguments containing a dollar sign ($).


I realize that this topic is quite old.  I'm replying because the original poster's question is something that I know some people would like to the answer to, and, in my case at least, when I was first searching, this thread was one place I came across, so I'm hoping others may find the answer here and find it useful.

After extensive searching, I don't believe there is a program that will allow you to freely edit all the tags in a quicktime video that exiftool displays.  Maybe some expensive mac-only software lets you do this on a per-video basis through a GUI, but I'm not even sure of that much.

However, I think most people that want to do this really just want to edit the date fields.  My most common use for the wonderful exiftool is the shifting of dates for camera photos when I realize the date/time was set wrong after a battery change or similar incident.  Like the OP, my camera takes videos in the quicktime format (mine uses the .MP4 extension), and I archive these together with my photos in one collection.  Previously, my stopgap measure to exiftool not being able to shift the dates in MP4 files was to shift the dates just in the photo files and then leave a note to my future self with the operation I did, so that I'd be able to transform the videos as well once I discovered a proper tool.

It turns out that if the date fields are all you care about, this task can be accomplished with ffmpeg.  ffmpeg doesn't really seem to have any serious support for EXIF data, but it has a timestamp option that allows you to specify a date which it will use to write to all the relevant date tags in the file.  so, doing something like
ffmpeg -i infile.MP4 -vcodec copy -acodec copy outfile.MP4 -timestamp '1990-03-31 13:00:00'
will make  a file whose media content is identical to the input, but is timestamped appropriately.

Since this is on the command line, you can script this to shift lots of dates if you know how to do that sort of thing.

Anyways, I just wanted to record here that this can be done, in case it helps anyone else.


As vanagon did, I want to record for future reference what I finally found:

Windows Live Fotogalerie works to change time and date for .mov files!
In GE-version: "Bearbeiten > Zeit anpassen"

If you select only one video, you set an absolute value.

If you select multiple files, WLF calculates the difference between your setting and the value of first video and applies to all selected videos.
E.g.: first selected video is taken at 13h33. You set value to 14h33. Time of all selected videos will shift 1 hour.

Processing might take a while, depending of the file sizes.

[WLF is Microsoft freeware to create diashow with fotos and videos. I wonder why they did not deliver with Windows 7, it is pretty good]