Error Opening File when copying tags to multiple files

Started by I.M.Color, May 05, 2014, 01:26:15 AM

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I'm using the EXIFGui tool v 5.15.  Trying to write tags to multiple files at once fails every time, but writing to a single file at a time works.

1. Select 3 files in a directory
2. Select Export/Import->Copy metadata into JPg or TIF files
3. Select OK on the Proceed Dialog
4. Select a source image
5. Leave all checkboxes on the Copy Metadata Options dialog checked
6. Click Execute

Nothing changed in The Gypsy Seven.jpg
======== REDUX MERGED The Gypsy 7.jpg
Nothing changed in REDUX MERGED The Gypsy 7.jpg
======== Gypsy - Yellow.jpg
Nothing changed in Gypsy - Yellow.jpg
    0 image files updated
    3 image files unchanged
Warning: Error opening file - D:\Artwork\__PRODUCTION\15 - Released\00 - To Deploy\15 - JPG Images\The Gypsy Seven.jpg
Warning: Error opening file - D:\Artwork\__PRODUCTION\15 - Released\00 - To Deploy\15 - JPG Images\REDUX MERGED The Gypsy 7.jpg
Warning: Error opening file - D:\Artwork\__PRODUCTION\15 - Released\00 - To Deploy\15 - JPG Images\Gypsy - Yellow.jpg

When I perform the same operation with only 1 target file selected, it works fine.  Similarly, using the Export/Import->Copy metadata into ALL JPg or TIF files  Fails with the same error.