Write support for FLIR JPEG Meta Information

Started by Dewald, May 21, 2014, 06:14:48 AM

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Firstly, thank you for this awesome piece of software! :)

Not sure which topic I should place this under - I closest topic I could think of is "Feature Request"...

I tried to set one of the metadata items in a FLIR radiometric jpg like so:

exiftool img.jpg -PaletteName="abc"

And then get the message:

Warning: Sorry, PaletteName is not writable

From the docs I've read I understand it is because write support for FLIR has not been implemented yet. I'm currently busy with a project that desperately needs this functionality.  I see we have access to the source and have fairly good programming experience. Is it viable for me to try implement it myself?

Is this a big undertaking?
Any pointers on where in the code to start or what functions to look at?
Do I only need to edit the "FLIR.pm" file?

Best Regards,

Phil Harvey

Hi Dewald,

Just adding the ability to change existing FLIR information wouldn't be too difficult.  But adding the ability to create new FLIR records would be a problem.

To just change existing information, you could just modify ProcessFLIR to also do the writing in a similar way to what was done with ProcessPNG.  FLIR is a bit different though, because it may exist as a stand-alone file, or as a record in a JPEG file, so it must be added to both the WriteInfo() routine and WriteJPEG().

But it will be a lot of work to do this properly.

- Phil
...where DIR is the name of a directory/folder containing the images.  On Mac/Linux/PowerShell, use single quotes (') instead of double quotes (") around arguments containing a dollar sign ($).


Hi Phil,

Thank you for the quick and informative answer!  :)

QuoteBut adding the ability to create new FLIR records would be a problem.

With "create" do you mean that if I create a new meta data value which did not exist before? (like below)

exiftool img.jpg -Meas1Type="Spot"

Best Regards,

Phil Harvey

Hi Dewald,

Quote from: Dewald on May 21, 2014, 11:07:18 AM
With "create" do you mean that if I create a new meta data value which did not exist before? (like below)

exiftool img.jpg -Meas1Type="Spot"

This would be the command, but the Meas1Type tag would only need to be created if it didn't exist before.  ie) if this command didn't return anything:

exiftool img.jpg -meas1type

Editing existing tags in a file is much easier than creating new ones.

- Phil
...where DIR is the name of a directory/folder containing the images.  On Mac/Linux/PowerShell, use single quotes (') instead of double quotes (") around arguments containing a dollar sign ($).