PNG image's attributes to JPG

Started by Alyssa, August 07, 2014, 12:29:01 PM

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I've been dealing with lots of PNG images recently but I always had the problem with these type of image's metadata, as it seems they have no attribute fields at all (No title/author/comments/subject or anything). Is there some attributes I can edit using exif tool that gets transferred to JPG? I mean, is there any attribute that I can edit with exiftool that gets transferred when I convert the images to JPG?

What I am trying to do is to preserve both the original file's create date and the original filename so I can transfer it to JPG's metadata(the File:FileCreateDate one, that gets cancelled when I convert it to JPG as it creates a new file).

I'll try to explain in another way since I am not too confident with my english.
What I want to do is:
- Copy both filename(without extension),and file:filecreatedate into an unknown attribute within the PNG)
- Convert the image to JPG using another software
- Take the metadata stored in the above-mentioned attribute and pull it to JPG's attributes (not necessarily change JPG file:filecreatedate as long as I can copy the original data into some of the JPG's attributes).


Hello again
I've been thinking about a solution for this and I came to the conclusion that I could use the filename to store both the file creation date and the original filename(the only 2 informations I want to preserve).

I already have a script to rename the file based on the creation date:

C:\exiftool.exe -overwrite_original -d %%d_%%m_%%Y-%%Hx%%Mx%%S%%a%%%%-c.%%%%e "-filename<file:filecreatedate" -P .

Which convert the filename using this format:

After converting it to JPG I use a second script:

C:\exiftool.exe -d "%%d/%%m/%%Y custom text %%H:%%M:%%S[%%a]" -P -E "-exif:XPComment<${file:filename;s/\.jpg$//i;s/lun/[Luned&igrave;]/;s/mar/[Marted&igrave;]/;s/mer/[Mercoled&igrave;]/;s/gio/[Gioved&igrave;]/;s/ven/[Venerd&igrave;]/;s/sab/[Sabato]/;s/dom/[Domenica]/;s/_/\//;s/_/\//;s/-/ custom text /;s/x/:/;s/x/:/;s/-1//;s/-2//;s/-3//;s/-4//;s/-5//;s/-6//;s/-7//;s/-8//;s/-9//}" -overwrite_original "-exif:xpsubject<${file:filename;s/\.jpg$//i;s/lun/[Luned&igrave;]/;s/mar/[Marted&igrave;]/;s/mer/[Mercoled&igrave;]/;s/gio/[Gioved&igrave;]/;s/ven/[Venerd&igrave;]/;s/sab/[Sabato]/;s/dom/[Domenica]/;s/_/\//;s/_/\//;s/-/ D.C. Ore /;s/x/:/;s/x/:/;s/-1//;s/-2//;s/-3//;s/-4//;s/-5//;s/-6//;s/-7//;s/-8//;s/-9//}" -overwrite_original .

This one copy the filename into comments and subject field turning it from this
To this
dd/mm/yyyy custom text hh:mm:ss[Day]
(I can't obviously rename the file from the start using this format because of the special characters used)

But as I mentioned with this method and I don't preserve the filename.
So I thought to use a different a approach:
1 - Rename the file preserving the original filename like this:
dd_mm_yyyyy-hhxmmxssDay *original file name after*
2  - Copy only the first 22 letters(the letters forming the dd_mm_yyyyy-hhxmmxssDay part to comments/subject field as usual and turn it into the format dd/mm/yyyy custom text hh:mm:ss[Day]
3 - Copy only the 24th letter and above to Title field (xmp:description)(the 23th letter its a blank space)

I created the script to convert the format from dd_mm_yyyyy-hhxmmxssDay to dd/mm/yyyy custom text hh:mm:ss[Day] but I don't known if its possible to copy from a certain letter to another(as mentioned above,from 1th letter to the 22th and from 24th to the end of the filename).

After some search I discovered that I can do the renaming with
"-filename<%%f $file:filecreatedate"
I can rename the files without losing the filenames.

Its not good,the above put the original filename before the date,and since every file name's have a different length, there is no way to do the "first x characters" trick, I am trying to figure out how I can place it at the end of the "dd_mm_yyyyy-hhxmmxssDay" part, as well looking for a way to copy first 22 chars etc.

Phil Harvey

Hi Alyssa,

Sorry for the delay in responding.  I'm currently on vacation.

You can place the filename after the FileCreateDate with this command:

exiftool -d "%Y-%m-%d %H%M%S" "-filename<$file:filecreatedate $file:filename" DIR

And to undo this again afterwards:

exiftool "-filecreatedate<filename" "-filename<${filename;s/.{18}//}" DIR

I think this should work, but I don't have time to test it right now.

- Phil
...where DIR is the name of a directory/folder containing the images.  On Mac/Linux/PowerShell, use single quotes (') instead of double quotes (") around arguments containing a dollar sign ($).


Hi Phil
Yes that worked like a charm (had to use double % because it was a script), its simply perfect.

So in short when I have a png image I first use Script #1
C:\exiftool.exe -d "%%Y-%%m-%%d %%H%%M%%S" "-filename<$file:filecreatedate $file:filename" .

Then Script #2
C:\exiftool.exe "-filecreatedate<filename" "-filename<${filename;s/.{18}//}" .

And then the script I use to registry filename and creation date on a couple of tags using a custom format:
(Script #3)
C:\exiftool.exe -overwrite_original "-xmp:description<${filename;s/(.*)\..*/$1/}" -overwrite_original "-subject<${filename;s/(.*)\..*/$1/}" -d "%%d/%%m/%%Y Custom Text%%H:%%M:%%S[%%a]" -P -E "-exif:XPComment<${file:filecreatedate;s/\[lun\]/[Luned&igrave;]/;s/\[mar\]/[Marted&igrave;]/;s/\[mer\]/[Mercoled&igrave;]/;s/\[gio\]/[Gioved&igrave;]/;s/\[ven\]/[Venerd&igrave;]/;s/\[sab\]/[Sabato]/;s/\[dom\]/[Domenica]/}" -overwrite_original -d "%%d/%%m/%%Y Custom Text%%H:%%M:%%S[%%a]" -P -E "-exif:xpsubject<${file:filecreatedate;s/\[lun\]/[Luned&igrave;]/;s/\[mar\]/[Marted&igrave;]/;s/\[mer\]/[Mercoled&igrave;]/;s/\[gio\]/[Gioved&igrave;]/;s/\[ven\]/[Venerd&igrave;]/;s/\[sab\]/[Sabato]/;s/\[dom\]/[Domenica]/}" -overwrite_original .

Everything works perfectly, I can't express my gratitude of how deeply this will help me!
(Is there a way to merge the script 2 with the 3 by the chance? if I simply add the script 2 to the 3 it copies the altered filename before it remove the first 18 letters, same for the date being copied before being corrected)

Even like this, its simply awesome, thanks a million :)

Phil Harvey

The last 2 commands must remain separate because you want to copy the new formatted FileModifyDate in your 3rd command.  But they may be combined into a single command line with the -execute option.  Also, there are a lot of duplicate options in your 3rd command that have no effect.  So the combined command would be:

C:\exiftool.exe "-filecreatedate<filename" "-filename<${filename;s/.{18}//}" -execute "-xmp:description<${filename;s/(.*)\..*/$1/}"  "-subject<${filename;s/(.*)\..*/$1/}" -d "%%d/%%m/%%Y Custom Text%%H:%%M:%%S[%%a]" -P -E "-exif:XPComment<${file:filecreatedate;s/\[lun\]/[Luned&igrave;]/;s/\[mar\]/[Marted&igrave;]/;s/\[mer\]/[Mercoled&igrave;]/;s/\[gio\]/[Gioved&igrave;]/;s/\[ven\]/[Venerd&igrave;]/;s/\[sab\]/[Sabato]/;s/\[dom\]/[Domenica]/}"  "-exif:xpsubject<${file:filecreatedate;s/\[lun\]/[Luned&igrave;]/;s/\[mar\]/[Marted&igrave;]/;s/\[mer\]/[Mercoled&igrave;]/;s/\[gio\]/[Gioved&igrave;]/;s/\[ven\]/[Venerd&igrave;]/;s/\[sab\]/[Sabato]/;s/\[dom\]/[Domenica]/}" -common_args -overwrite_original .

- Phil

Edit: Fixed order of commands
...where DIR is the name of a directory/folder containing the images.  On Mac/Linux/PowerShell, use single quotes (') instead of double quotes (") around arguments containing a dollar sign ($).