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ID3v2:POPM tags

Started by inhumangeek, November 27, 2014, 06:26:48 PM

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I have seen that exiftool can extract ID3v2 information:
Unfortunately that page doesn't provide any examples, and I am getting a bit stuck and confused.

What I would like to do is extract the song rating - which I believe is ID3v2_3:POPM or ID3v2_2:POP - from a whole bunch of files. I thought the command -ID3v2_3:all should show me all the entries in that group but the command line return nothing.

I have tried -a -g1 -s which gives the following:

---- ExifTool ----
ExifToolVersion                 : 9.69
---- System ----
FileName                        : Disc 1 - 9_-_Lit_Up.m4a
Directory                       : .
FileSize                        : 4.6 MB
FileModifyDate                  : 2014:02:14 14:24:56+00:00
FileAccessDate                  : 2014:11:27 22:31:04+00:00
FileInodeChangeDate             : 2014:11:27 22:31:04+00:00
FilePermissions                 : rwxrwxrwx
---- File ----
FileType                        : MP4
MIMEType                        : video/mp4
---- QuickTime ----
MajorBrand                      : MP4 v2 [ISO 14496-14]
MinorVersion                    : 0.0.0
CompatibleBrands                : mp42, mp41, isom, iso2
MovieDataSize                   : 4696003
MovieDataOffset                 : 48
MovieHeaderVersion              : 0
CreateDate                      : 2013:05:06 07:31:54
ModifyDate                      : 2014:01:14 22:03:07
TimeScale                       : 1000
Duration                        : 0:04:53
PreferredRate                   : 1
PreferredVolume                 : 100.00%
MatrixStructure                 : 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1
PreviewTime                     : 0 s
PreviewDuration                 : 0 s
PosterTime                      : 0 s
SelectionTime                   : 0 s
SelectionDuration               : 0 s
CurrentTime                     : 0 s
NextTrackID                     : 2
HandlerClass                    : Media Handler
HandlerType                     : Metadata
Album                           : Inform - Educate - Entertain
Artist                          : Public Service Broadcasting
SortArtist                      : Public Service Broadcasting
AlbumArtist                     : Public Service Broadcasting
SortAlbumArtist                 : Public Service Broadcasting
Title                           : Lit Up
ContentCreateDate               : 2013:5:6
TrackNumber                     : 9 of 11
DiskNumber                      : 1 of 0
Comment                         : rating=4
---- Track1 ----
TrackHeaderVersion              : 0
TrackCreateDate                 : 2013:05:06 07:31:54
TrackModifyDate                 : 2014:01:14 22:03:07
TrackID                         : 1
TrackDuration                   : 0:04:53
TrackLayer                      : 0
TrackVolume                     : 100.00%
MatrixStructure                 : 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1
MediaHeaderVersion              : 0
MediaCreateDate                 : 2013:05:06 07:31:54
MediaModifyDate                 : 2014:01:14 22:03:07
MediaTimeScale                  : 44100
MediaDuration                   : 0:04:53
HandlerType                     : Audio Track
HandlerDescription              : SoundHandler
Balance                         : 0
AudioFormat                     : mp4a
AudioChannels                   : 2
AudioBitsPerSample              : 16
AudioSampleRate                 : 44100
---- XMP-x ----
XMPToolkit                      : GStreamer
---- XMP-dc ----
Title                           : Lit Up
Date                            : 2013:05:06
Creator                         : Public Service Broadcasting
---- Composite ----
AvgBitrate                      : 128 kbps

(note that the "rating=4" is not what I need - this is just a comment in the file)

None of these relate to ID3v2 but I know that my file contains the rating as I can see them in puddletag (see screenshot - final column) so the question is,  how do I get to this information using exiftool? I just want to extract it - I don't need to write it. Puddletag expresses the rating field as "popularimeter" and therefore I have tried exiftool '-*pop*' and exiftool '-*@*' but I still can't find it - these commands return nothing.

Any help appreciated! Thank you!

Phil Harvey

I have never seen ID3 tags in a M4V video.  If you send me a sample, I'll take a look.  My email is philharvey66 at

- Phil
...where DIR is the name of a directory/folder containing the images.  On Mac/Linux/PowerShell, use single quotes (') instead of double quotes (") around arguments containing a dollar sign ($).


Thank you very much, I will send you an email.
Note that it isn't actually a video, despite what the output shows, it's an m4a audio file.

Thanks again,

Phil Harvey

Hi Paul,


There is no ID3 information in this file.  However, there is a new QuickTime 'rate' atom that will be decoded by ExifTool 9.77:

> exiftool -rating -G1 ~/Desktop/Disc\ 1\ -\ 7_-_ROYGBIV.m4a
[QuickTime]     Rating                          : 60

- Phil
...where DIR is the name of a directory/folder containing the images.  On Mac/Linux/PowerShell, use single quotes (') instead of double quotes (") around arguments containing a dollar sign ($).


Thanks again for looking. I don't think the ratings I am after are in the Quicktime bit (I have a lot of other files and they might not be saved in the same way) - I'm trying to find the no@email:128 tags which can be seen in puddletag (see earlier attached screenshot) - is it possible to scan the file to find where that is stored?


Phil Harvey

The no@mail:128:0 is only in one place in this file, which is the QuickTime:Popularimeter.

- Phil
...where DIR is the name of a directory/folder containing the images.  On Mac/Linux/PowerShell, use single quotes (') instead of double quotes (") around arguments containing a dollar sign ($).


Thank you. I am not familiar with the tool so you you confirm how to get this - is it  something like
exiftool -QuickTime:Popularimeter filename?

Phil Harvey

...where DIR is the name of a directory/folder containing the images.  On Mac/Linux/PowerShell, use single quotes (') instead of double quotes (") around arguments containing a dollar sign ($).



So, just as a follow-up, what is the command to search the data - i.e. to search for the @ symbol?

I found the following from
Quoteexiftool '-*resolution*' image.jpg
Extract all tags with names containing the word "Resolution" from an image.

But this searches the tag names rather than the tags themselves.

Hayo Baan

If you want to search the content of the tags, you'll have to use a tool like grep on the output of exiftool.

E.g., to search for @ in the file FILE, use the following:
exiftool FILE | grep '@'
(This is on a Mac, on Windows, you'll need to use double quotes, and you likely have to install e.g. grep too)

Hope this helps,
Hayo Baan – Photography